We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
6V91 | 2020 | 0 |
4XKZ | 2015 | 0 |
6VH5 | 2020 | 0 |
4W9U | 2014 | 0 |
6VS4 | 2020 | 0 |
5TT1 | 2016 | 0 |
5VC2 | 2017 | 0 |
4XGH | 2015 | 0 |
6W14 | 2020 | 0 |
6W15 | 2020 | 0 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 5b8i | - | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6127630/ | Wen-Luo-Tong Decoction Attenuates Paclitaxel-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy by Regulating Linoleic Acid and Glycerophospholipid Metabolism Pathways | 2018 | F Wu, W Xu, B Deng, S Liu, C Deng, M Wu- Frontiers in, 2018 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov | The structures of proteins were obtained from the Protein Data Bank ( PDB , https://www.rcsb.org/). Protein structures not available from PDB was homology modeled by (https://www.swissmodel. expasy.org) docking was carried out with Discovery Studio 3.5 (BIOVIA, USA) Table 6 Results of docking Proteins PDB ID pcat1 5b8i *Template of homology modeling. |
2 | 3iml | 3tde, 3s82, 3rv2 | https://febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/febs.12784 | Understanding molecular recognition of promiscuity of thermophilic methionine adenosyltransferase sMAT from Sulfolobussolfataricus | 2014 | F Wang, S Singh, J Zhang, TD Huber- The FEBS, 2014 - Wiley Online Library | containing a nonnative product, and cumulatively these structures add new structural insight into the analysis here are the numbers from the AdoEth bound structure ( PDB code 4L2Z). To date, MAT structures from Escherichia coli [3, 4], Campylobacter jejuni [5], Burkholderia pseudomallei (PDB code 3IML), Entamoeba histolytica (PDB code 3SO4), Mycobacterium marinum (PDB code 3RV2), Mycobacterium avium (PDB code 3S82), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PDB code 3TDE), Thermococcus kodakarensis [6], ... |
3 | 3iml | 3tde, 3s82, 3rv2 | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/febs.12784/full | Understanding molecular recognition of promiscuity of thermophilic methionine adenosyltransferase sMAT from Sulfolobus solfataricus | 2014 | F Wang, S Singh, J Zhang, TD Huber - FEBS , 2014 - Wiley Online Library | ... mjMAT Methanococcus jannaschii methionine adenosyltransferase. PDB Protein Data Bank. Pi phosphate. PPi diphosphate. ... To date, MAT structures from Escherichia coli [3, 4], Campylobacter jejuni [5], Burkholderia pseudomallei (PDB code 3IML), Entamoeba histolytica ... |
4 | 4nps | 4wgj | http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0163654 | Crystal Structure of the Escherichia coli Fic Toxin-Like Protein in Complex with Its Cognate Antitoxin | 2016 | FV Stanger, A Harms, C Dehio, T Schirmer - PloS one, 2016 - journals.plos.org | ... Depending on the conservation of crucial active site residues, the FIC fold serves as structuralscaffold for various enzymatic activities, mostly ...The lack of electron density of the flap of the E28G mutant has already been observed in several other FIC domain protein structures (e.g. Bep1 from Bartonella clarridgeiae, PBD: 4NPS or NmFicE102R from Neisseria meningitidis, PDB: 5CGL). ... |
5 | 5jy1 | - | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/adsc.201900144 | Clean Enzymatic Oxidation of 12Hydroxysteroids to 12OxoDerivatives Catalyzed by Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase | 2019 | F Tonin, N Alvarenga, JZ Ye- Advanced Synthesis, 2019 - Wiley Online Library | MODEL (https://swissmodel.expasy.org/ interactive), employing the crystal structure of the putative SDR from Burkholderia xenovorans ( PDB ID: 5JY1 .1) as determination of the cosubstrate specificity of these enzymes.[11] The 3D model of the El12-HSDH structure showed a |
6 | 3q8n | - | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0734975014001992 | Bioinformatic analysis of a PLP-dependent enzyme superfamily suitable for biocatalytic applications | 2015 | F Steffen-Munsberg, C Vickers, H Kohls, H Land… - Biotechnology …, 2015 - Elsevier | In this review we analyse structure/sequence-function relationships for the superfamily ofPLP-dependent enzymes with special emphasis on class III transaminase. |
7 | 5u9p | 3ftp | https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/eba1/31d1aecdd33eafa513c4bec6c3ec37d01b5b.pdf | Electrical Supporting information | 2018 | F Sha, Y Zheng, J Chen, K Chen, F Cao, M Yan - pdfs.semanticscholar.org | Entry Enzyme GenBank accession no. Amino acid identities with PspPDH [%] Template PDB code TM- scorea Gbind [kcal mol-1] 23 PhpPDH WP_045028254 41.53 4z9y 0.90 -5.71 1.96 24 DfPDH WP_050774712 31.98 5u9p 0.90 -11.90 2.01 |
8 | 4g50 | - | https://opus.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de/opus4-wuerzburg/files/13482/Seufert_Flo... | Entwicklung von Inhibitoren des macrophage infectivity potentiator -Proteins | 2016 | F Seufert - opus.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de | ... Zur Evaluierung möglicher struktureller Verbesserungen von S-1a wurden auch für BpMip Hot- Spot- und Docking-Analysen von M. Hein und M. Kuhn vorgenommen. Dazu wurden die Strukturen PDB 4G50 bzw. 4GGQ75 für BpMip und 2VCD-4 für LpMip verwendet.. ... |
9 | 4g50 | 4ggq | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0968089616306320 | Development, synthesis and structureactivity-relationships of inhibitors of the macrophage infectivity potentiator (Mip) proteins of Legionella pneumophila and | 2016 | F Seufert, M Kuhn, M Hein, M Weiwad, M Vivoli - Bioorganic & Medicinal , 2016 - Elsevier | ... Structural comparison between BpMip and LpMip showed a high homology in the PPIase domain. ...A (left) and region B (right) of lead compound CJ168 (shown in orange in PDB structure 4G503 ). The ... In fact, from the BpMip crystal structures and the LpMip docking modes, the ... |
10 | 3gbz | - | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022283613004518 | The N-terminal extension of UBE2E ubiquitin conjugating enzymes limits chain assembly | 2013 | FR Schumacher, G Wilson, CL Day - Journal of molecular biology, 2013 - Elsevier | ... (a) Overlay of the core domain of UBE2E1 (3GBZ) onto the structure of UBE2D2~Ub conjugate (PDB: 3A33). The interaction between ubiquitin from one molecule, shown as a ribbon (teal) and a surface, and the backside of UBE2D2 (teal ribbon) is shown. ... |