Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 4whx 3u0g Functional characterization of PLP fold type IV transaminase with a mixed type of activity from Haliangium ochraceum 2019 YS Zeifman, KM Boyko, AY Nikolaeva- et Biophysica Acta (BBA, 2019 - Elsevier These results complement our knowledge of the catalytic diversity of transaminases and indicate the need for further research to understand the structural basis of substrate specificity in these enzymes. Abbreviations PDB entry code, 6H65. 2.8. Structure solution and refinement
2 3uam - Structural dynamics of lytic polysaccharide monoxygenases reveals a highly flexible substrate binding region 2019 R Arora, P Bharval, S Sarswati, TZ Sen- Journal of Molecular, 2019 - Elsevier pdb ) id: 2vtc, 2yet, 3zud, 4b5q, 4eir, 4qi8, 5acf, 5aci, 5acj, 5foh, 5tkf, 5tkg, 5tkh, and 5tki) and 10 structures in AA10 ( pdb id: 2bem, 3uam , 4ow5, 4oy6 MSF correlation value of 0.58 or higher (Table 1). In the case of AA11 and AA13 there was only one structure , 4mah and 5t7j
3 3sbx - Atypical LONELY GUY protein in Bordetella pertussis synthetizes a cytokinin-like compound negatively related to oxidative stress 2019 F Moramarco - 2019 - BP1253 and LOGs, while Cluster omega to realize amino acid sequence alignment with specific type-I and type-II LOGs. The structural analysis were performed through PDB Viewer, either to develop the modeling of BP1253 that to determinate the coordinates of ... Characteristic of this M. marinum protein with PDB ID 3SBX is that it was crystallized in complex with AMP
4 3uf8 - Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene Cyclase Regulation 2019 F Elleuch, HB Hlima, M Barkallah, P Baril, S Abdelkafi- Applied Sciences, 2019 - and cytochrome b 6 /f complex and maintains the integrity of cell architecture [7]. It attempted to understand how this stress could affect LCYB molecule by generating its 3D structure to 200 bp, chosen temperature (Tm) around 60 C, and avoiding secondary structures and self
5 3qhd 3P0Z, 3p0z Design, synthesis, and evaluation of potential Burkholderia pseudomallei IspF inhibitors 2019 S Watkins - 2019 - xvi nOe Nuclear Overhauser enhancement/nuclear Overhauser effect PDB Protein Data Bank Pf Plasmodium falciparum ppm Parts per million RST Relative saturation transfer SAR Structure activity relationship SSGCID Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease ... It is possible the sp2 N of the imidazole is binding to the Zn2+, as seen in the crystal structures of 88 in BpIspF (3P0Z, 3QHD).
6 5b8i - Biochemical, Biophysical, and Functional Analyses of Two Isoforms of the SnRK2 inhibitor AtSCS 2019 K Tarnowski, M Klimecka, A Ciesielski, G Goch, A Kulik- bioRxiv, 2019 - 5a, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland 20 2 Warsaw University, Department of Chemistry, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland 21 3 The Norwegian Center for Structure Biology, Institute of Chemistry, University of 22 Functional and structural studies showed that PP2Cs 110
7 3v7o - Global phosphoproteomic analysis of Ebola virions reveals a novel role for VP35 phosphorylation-dependent regulation of genome transcription 2019 A Ivanov, P Ramanathan, C Parry, PA Ilinykh- Cellular and Molecular, 2019 - Springer Three-dimensional structural models were built for NP, VP35, VP40, GP, VP30 and VP24 proteins using available crystal structures or by de novo structure prediction to elucidate the potential role of the phosphorylation sites
8 3laa - Structure of the UspA1 protein fragment from Moraxella catarrhalis responsible for C3d binding 2019 KM Mikula, R Kolodziejczyk, A Goldman- Journal of structural biology, 2019 - Elsevier 2012) as found in SadA (2YO2, 2YNZ) (Hartmann et al., 2012) or BpaA ( 3LAA ) (Edwards et CCP4 package (Winn et al., 2011) with the structure of UspA1 165366 ( PDB : 3PR7) (Agnew Model of UspA1 299452 structure solved in this study, neck and coiled-coil domains; chain
9 4egq 4eg0, 4egj Burkholderiapseudomallei dalaninedalanine ligase; detailed characterisation and assessment of a potential antibiotic drug target 2019 L DazSez, LS Torrie, SP McElroy, D Gray- The FEBS, 2019 - Wiley Online Library An apo-BpDdl structure ( PDB code 4EGQ ) has been determined by the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease. Electron and difference density maps in the ATP binding sites were inspected to ascertain if a ligand might be present
10 4xfd - Validation of NAD synthase inhibitors for inhibiting the cell viability of Leishmania donovani: In silico and in vitro approach 2019 H Mandal, S Vijayakumar, S Yadav- Structure and, 2019 - Taylor & Francis Skip to Main Content