We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
6WHP | 2020 | 0 |
6WOM | 2020 | 0 |
6WQM | 2020 | 0 |
6NB2 | 2019 | 0 |
5THK | 2016 | 0 |
6WWD | 2020 | 0 |
6X9F | 2020 | 0 |
6X9N | 2020 | 0 |
6NB0 | 2018 | 0 |
3L0D | 2009 | 0 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 4ni5 | - | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00253-017-8556-2 | Crystal structure and iterative saturation mutagenesis of ChKRED20 for expanded catalytic scope | 2017 | FJ Zhao, Y Jin, Z Liu, C Guo, TB Li, ZY Li- Applied Microbiology, 2017 - Springer | ... model was the monomer of Dehydrogenase from Brucella Suis ( PDB code 4NI5 ; NCBI accession ... Therefore, the determination of the crystal structure of ChKRED20 is crucial and greatly facilitates the ... high level of identity of ChKRED20 to typical SDRs in the PDB database, such ... |
2 | 4tv4 | - | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867419302028 | Cryo-EM Structure and Assembly of an Extracellular Contractile Injection System | 2019 | F Jiang, N Li, X Wang, J Cheng, Y Huang, Y Yang- Cell, 2019 - Elsevier | Overall, the PVC particle displays a simplified structure of the bacterial phage A simplified architecture of T4 phage baseplate lies in the PVC syringe: Pvc5, Pvc7, Pvc8, and Pvc10 form a continuous central spike extending from the inner tube; Pvc11 (D) Initial models of Pvc1, Pvc2, Pvc9 and Pvc11 were built based onPDB: 4TV4, 3J9Q, 2IA7, 5HX2, respectively |
3 | 4xxp | - | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5425277/ | Placeholder factors in ribosome biogenesis: please, pave my way | 2017 | FJ Espinar-Marchena, R Babiano, J Cruz - Microbial Cell, 2017 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov | ... As expected from this structural similarity, cryo-EM and CRAC analyses confirmed that Tsr1 binds,albeit differently than ... MDM2 fragment was taken from 4XXP 164 after superimposing the structure shown in this file with that of L11 shown in A. ... |
4 | 4f82 | - | http://scholar.google.com/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5022050/ | The Crystal Structure of Peroxiredoxin Asp f3 Provides Mechanistic Insight into Oxidative Stress Resistance and Virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus | 2016 | F Hillmann, K Bagramyan, M Straburger - Scientific , 2016 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov | ... Asp f3's enzymatic activity on peroxides and structural similarity to the previously characterizedyeast-orthologue ... After failing to find a solution using the entire 4F82 model, flexible loops were ...PDB structure identifiers are 5J9B for WT Asp f3 and 5J9C for the C31S/C61S mutant. ... |
5 | 3u0i | - | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022283615005446 | SequenceStructureFunction Classification of a Catalytically Diverse Oxidoreductase Superfamily in Mycobacteria | 2015 | FH Ahmed, PD Carr, BM Lee, L Afriat-Jurnou - Journal of molecular , 2015 - Elsevier | ... SequenceStructureFunction Classification of a Catalytically Diverse OxidoreductaseSuperfamily in ... Functional annotation using phylogenetic, structural, and spectroscopic methodsrevealed their ... Four novel crystal structures show that plasticity in substrate binding pockets ... |
6 | 5v6d | 4dut, 6ay1, 4ek2, 4hr2 | https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/18/6779 | Structure, Folding and Stability of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinases | 2020 | F Georgescauld, Y Song, A Dautant- International Journal of Molecular, 2020 - mdpi.com | So far, 162 structures from 30 different species have been deposited within the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) which fall to tetramer type II and two are isolated dimers [23,24,25] (Table 1). The structure of most tetramers was recently solved by a structural genomics approach yet ... 5v6d Neisseria gonorrhoeae in complex with citrate (1.85 Å) Abendroth, J.; Mayclin, S.J.; Lorimer, D.D.; Edwards, T.E. |
7 | 3ujh | - | https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nph.17368 | Engineering of the cytosolic form of phosphoglucose isomerase into chloroplasts improves plant photosynthesis and biomass | 2021 | F Gao, H Zhang, W Zhang, N Wang, S Zhang- New, 2021 - Wiley Online Library | in Shanghai, China. Diffraction data were processed by HKL2000 and the PGIs structure models ( PDB : 3UJH ). After cycles of auto model building (PHENIX) (Liebschner et al., 2019) and To investigate the structural basis for the dramatic activity difference between TaPGIc and |
8 | 4f3p | - | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969212613002700 | Functional Diversity of Tandem Substrate-Binding Domains in ABC Transporters from Pathogenic Bacteria | 2013 | F Fulyani, GK Schuurman-Wolters, AV Zagar, A Guskov… - Structure, 2013 - Elsevier | Supplemental Information ... unliganded liganded 1 42 glnH Escherichia coli Gln v v 1.94 1GGG, 1WDN 0.5 µM (Hsiao, et al., 1996) 2 38 glnH Burkholderia pseudomallei Gln v 2.4 4F3P nd Abendroth J, 2012 ... |
9 | 3md7 | - | http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/11/273 | The UlaG protein family defines novel structural and functional motifs grafted on an ancient RNase fold | 2011 | F Fernandez, F Garces, M L?pez-Estepa? - BMC evolutionary biology, 2011 - biomedcentral.com | ... Furthermore, the recently determined structure of a MBL from Brucella melitensis subsp. abortus (PDB ID 3md7 and structures thereof) (unpublished) has revealed a monomeric enzyme with an Mn2+-dependent active site similar to UlaG and in contrast to the Zn2+ ligand found in all other RNases. . ... |
10 | 3uf8 | - | https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/9/24/5389 | Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene Cyclase Regulation | 2019 | F Elleuch, HB Hlima, M Barkallah, P Baril, S Abdelkafi- Applied Sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com | and cytochrome b 6 /f complex and maintains the integrity of cell architecture [7]. It attempted to understand how this stress could affect LCYB molecule by generating its 3D structure to 200 bp, chosen temperature (Tm) around 60 C, and avoiding secondary structures and self |