Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 4iuj - Toward a PA-Inhibitor Complex Crystal System: Influenza Polymerase Acidic Protein Fusion Constructs and Protein Expression 2020 R Kramb - 2020 - Figure 5 b (right) apo-PA crystal packing. PA ( PDB ID: 4IUJ ) is rendered as a surface, and a loop interest, our approach is to create different protein fusions of PA that will alter the crystal packing structure of PA, which could allow the visualization of the apo protein through
2 4xk1 - N-terminal residues are crucial for quaternary structure and active site conformation for the phosphoserine aminotransferase from enteric human parasite E. histolytica 2019 RK Singh, P Tomar, S Dharawat, S Kumar- International journal of, 2019 - Elsevier 3. Comparative analysis, using the RAPIDO server, of PSAT structures from various organisms with the EhPSAT structure . PDB IDs, Sequence identity (%), RMSD with EhPSAT monomer in (number of residues compared) 4XK1 (P. aeruginosa) [38], 40, 1.52 (for 337 residues)
3 3gvg - Triosephosphate isomerase: a highly evolved biocatalyst 2010 RK Wierenga, EG Kapetaniou, R Venkatesan - Cellular and molecular life Sciences, 2010 - Springer ... 1AW2 M. marina No SO4 Dimer 2.65 20.0 21.9 3GVG M. tuberculosis No Dimer 1.55 14.5 16.9 1R2R O. cuniculus No Dimer 1.5 16.1 19.0 ... 3967 Page 8. Table 1 continued pdb code Source Mutant Active site ligand Oligomeric state Resolution (A? ) Rcryst (%) Rfree (%) ...
4 4di1 3moy Structural and bioinformatic analysis of ethylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase 2015 RL Roberts - 2015 - ... is the murine methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase trimer (PDB code: 1ef8), bottom right is thehuman AUH protein hexamer (PDB code: 1hzd). ... Having a 3D structure of EMCD could allowresearchers to probe the active site and intelligently design structural perturbations to ...
5 3oa3 3ndo, 3ngj Methods And Microorganisms For The Production Of 1, 3-Butanediol 2018 R Mahadevan, A Yakunin, P Gawand- US Patent App. 15, 2018 - Google Patents 2.4.). In some embodiments, DERA enzymes can be described as class I aldolases that form covalent Schiff base intermediates. In all studied structures , DERA adopts the classical eight-bladed TIM barrel fold. The oligomerisation
6 3qhx - SolXplain: An Explainable Sequence-Based Protein Solubility Predictor 2019 R Mall- bioRxiv, 2019 - be used as a scoring function to measure the quality of a tree structure Ht at in [13], devise a fast, greedy and iterative algorithm to identify these optimal tree structures We train our XGBoost classifier on top of physio-chemical (global), sequence and structural features extracted
7 3gvg 4g1k Production, characterization and structural analysis of proteins from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and snake venoms 2015 R Masood - 2015 - ... Structural alignment among different TIMs (3TA6, 3GVG, 1YYA, 1B9B, 4G1K and 2BTM) indicate that they are very similar to each other (Fig. 19). Alignment of C. pseudotuberculosis TIM with TIM (PDB code 3TA6) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis shows a very slight difference in the loop region as shown in the figure 19 A as they share 67% sequence identity and 0.4 RMSD value. . ...
8 4noz 4mh4 Substrate and product-assisted catalysis: molecular aspects behind structural switches along Organic Hydroperoxide Resistance Protein catalytic cycle 2020 R Mateus Domingos, RD Teixeira, A Zeida- ACS, 2020 - ACS Publications The Ohr active site architecture is composed of two cysteines structures (Figure S1). Notably, when analyzing the other Ohr structures available in the PDB , we observed that the position of the Arg-loop in the Bacillus subtilis OhrB (BsOhrB) structure presents an intermediate
9 3r8c 3r20, 4die The crystal structures of Thermus thermophilus CMP kinase complexed with a phosphoryl group acceptor and donor 2020 R Mega, N Nakagawa, S Kuramitsu, R Masui- PloS one, 2020 - open form, CMP-bound closed form, ADP-CDP-Gd 3+ -, and CDP-bound forms at resolutions of 1.7, 2.2, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 , respectively (Table 1, Fig 1). Structural differences between (B) Superimposition of the overall structure of ligand-free form (gray; PDB code 3W90 ... and ligand-free form of CMPK from M. abscessus (dark gray; 3R8C). These structures were structurally aligned ... The ligand-free form of M. smegmatis CMPK (PDB code 3R20) is almost the same structure as M. abscessus CMPK.
10 3rqi - A variable active site residue influences the kinetics of response regulator phosphorylation and dephosphorylation 2016 RM Immormino, RE Silversmith, RB Bourret - Biochemistry, 2016 - ACS Publications ... reaction kinetics by altering access to the active site while not perturbing overall protein structure . ... Collectively, our biochemical and structural analyses indicate that position T+1 affects access to the ... (A) Surface representation of the E. coli CheY active site ( PDB entry 1fqw). ...