Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3glq - Inexpensive method for selecting receptor structures for virtual screening 2015 Z Huang, CF Wong - Journal of chemical information and modeling, 2015 - ... 1LI4, 1V8B, 1XWF, 2H5L, 2ZIZ, 2ZJ0, 2ZJ1, 3CE6, 3D64b, 3DHY, 3G1U, 3GLQ, 3H9U, 3N58 ...the results for docking 152 actives and 9942 decoys to 36 crystal structures for BRAF. For thissystem, the SPI identified the best structure (PDB id 3IDP) for virtual screening as the other ...
2 3kzx - Sequence specificity between interacting and non-interacting homologs identifies interface residuesa homodimer and monomer use case 2015 Q Hou, BE Dutilh, MA Huynen, J Heringa - BMC , 2015 - ... all 11 monomeric C1-type HAD Hydrolase group (2NYV, 2HSZ, 2HI0, 2AH5, 4EX6, 3MC1, 3D6J,3KBB, 3KZX, 2HDO, 3SD7). ... 6 shows the interface and predicted interface sites in the structure. ...a Secondary stucture of two chains of PDB 3QGM (chain C and D). The interface is in ...
3 3o0m 4lsm Dimeric interactions and complex formation using direct coevolutionary couplings 2015 RN Dos Santos, F Morcos, B Jana, AD Andricopulo- Scientific reports, 2015 - Springer Structural Modeling. All the homodimers used in this study were retrieved from Protein Data Bank ( PDB )60. The PDB accession code for each structure is shown in Table 1. ... Histidine triad protein 3O0M 149 ... GAPDH 4LSM 346 Gp_dh_N
4 3dmo 3mc4, 3laa, 3gir, 3qk8, 3l3b, 3kre, 3oc7, 3ixc, 3kzx, 3eiz, 3o0h, 3mqw, 3md7, 3pzy, 3o0k, 3fq3, 3mxu, 3mdx, 3js5, 3gp3, 3qhx, 3o0m, 3js4, 3o38, 3mqd, 3qlj, 3qd5, 3nrr, 3ndo, 3qbp, 3ol3, 3r6f, 3p32, 3lv0, 3njd, 3mpz, 3lqw, 3gwa, 3quv, 3dms, 3kzu, 3p2y, 3nfw, 3lnc, 3eg4, 3gbz, 3k31, 3fs2, 3qh4, 3oc9, 3ipw, 3pgx, 3oa3, 3h81, 3h7f, 3enk, 3ld3, 3k9w, 3oj7, 3lr4, 3oj6, 3gwc, 3i3f, 3ek2, 3oks, 3ngj, 3pk0, 3n5o, 3moy, 3qxz, 3cxk, 3ngf, 3ndn, 3e7d, 3ii9, 3meb, 3oec, 3nwo, 3qat, 3pe8, 3k2c, 3fvb, 3lb5, 3r1i, 3p0t, 3krs, 3hgb, 3f0d, 3ecd, 3mx6, 3gvg, 3p4t, 3myb, 3kxq, 3krb Rare Sidechain Conformations in Proteins and DNA 2015 BJ Hintze - 2015 - ... Ponder and Richards in 1987 (Ponder and Richards, 1987), and they are important. tools in structural biology (Dunbrack, 2002). ... the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) (Berman, 2000). ... 2010; Winn et al., 2011), protein structure prediction and design (Bower et al., 1997; ...
5 4g6c - Multiscale Gaussian network model (mGNM) and multiscale anisotropic network model (mANM) 2015 K Xia, K Opron, GW Wei - The Journal of chemical physics, 2015 - ... More importantly, we reveal intrinsic multiscale behavior in protein structures. ... B-factor), ie, theatomic mean-square displacement, obtained in structure determination by ... depends the crystalenvironment, solvent type, data collection condition, and structural refinement procedure ...
6 4h4g 3p0x, 3p4t, 3e5b, 3i4e, 3oib Structure of the Vibrio cholerae fatty acid regulator FadR 2015 W Shi - 2015 - ... 3D6X, 1ZHG, 3DOY, 3DOZ, 3DP0, 3DP1, 3DP2, 3DP3, 3CF8, 3CF9, 3ED0, 3B7J, 3D04, 3AZ9,3AZ8, 3AZA, 3AZB, 4H4G, 2OKH, 2OKI ... (52, 70) and DNA-bound (PDB 1H9T and 1HW2) (69,70) structures are almost identical whereas the ligand-bound structure shows the ...
7 3pgz 3lgj MODIFIED HELICASES 2015 A Heron, J Clarke, R Moysey… - US Patent …, 2015 - ... In order to assess whether a suitable protein structure exists to use as a “template” to build aprotein model, a search is performed on the protein data bank (PDB) database. ... The sequencealignment and template structure are then used to produce a structural model of the ...
8 3f9i 3grp Human ISPD is a cytidyltransferase required for dystroglycan O-mannosylation 2015 M Riemersma, DS Froese, W van Tol, UF Engelke- Chemistry & biology, 2015 - To provide molecular insight into hISPD properties, we determined the crystal structure of structure factors have been deposited with the PDB under the accession code PDB : 4CVH. Structure similarity of hISPD C-terminal domain, identified using DALI 3f9i 11.7 3.3 137 220 12 FabG R. prowazekii ... 3grp 11.4 3.2 131 209 15 B. henseliae
9 4gri 4g6z Dispensability of zinc and the putative zinc-binding domain in bacterial glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 2015 N Chongdar, S Dasgupta, AB Datta, G Basu - Bioscience reports, 2015 - ... From extensive structural and sequence analyses from whole genome database of bacterialGluRS, we further show that in addition to many bacterial GluRS lacking a zinc-binding motif,the pZBD is actually deleted in some bacteria, all containing either glutaminyl-tRNA ...
10 3ezl - Structure, Dynamics, and Interaction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) DprE1 and DprE2 Examined by Molecular Modeling, Simulation, and Electrostatic … 2015 I Bhutani, S Loharch, P Gupta, R Madathil, R Parkesh - PloS one, 2015 - ... and Lys-418 based on the active site residues of the templates (PDB ID: 4F4Q ... Another interestingobservation was high structural similarity of generated three-dimensional structure of DprE2 withSDR family members such as acetoacetyl-coA reductase (PDBID: 3EZL, rmsd: 3.43 ...