Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3f0d 4l83, 4lsm, 4lhr, 3swo, 4nbr, 4kzp, 4mpq, 4kyx, 3urr, 3v7n, 4lsb, 4ni5, 3pme, 4maq, 3quv, 4lfy, 3qxz, 4efi, 3uw3, 4nim, 3m1x, 4mg4, 4lc3, 4jqp, 3laa, 4kzk, 4ijn, 4lvu, 3te8, 3md7, 3mqd A Study of Residue Contact Number Among the Amino Acid and Structural Alphabet 2015 - 2015 - ... present in the protein inside or outside with the local secondary structure and demonstratePage 4. iii ... Keyword: Structural Alphabet, Amino Acid Interaction, Amino Acid contact, scoringmatrix Page 5. ... 3-1PDB DSSP .... ...
2 2kwl 2lky, 2lol Aspectos estructurales y dinmicos en la relajacin de sistemas complejos, con nfasis en agua lquida, sobreenfriada y nanoconfinada 2015 SR Accordino - 2015 - prctico: previene la agregacin de dos placas de grafeno. Page 9. 9 Abstract In this Thesis we studied, by means of molecular dynamic simulations, the structural and We also determined the geometrical quality of the local structure of these kinds of molecules. In
3 3d64 3lls, 3qk8, 3ome, 3n58, 3oq8, 3myb, 3p5m, 3sll, 3i4e PEPTIDOMIMETIC COMPOUNDS 2015 RT Skerlj, AC Good - US Patent 20,150,353,606, 2015 - ... TABLE 2. PDB ID, Key Cysteine residue. 3dp7, CYS10. 1nhw, CYS100. 1q51, CYS102. ... 1x9j,CYS227. 3n58, CYS231. 3d64, CYS238. 3ond, CYS244. ... In general the term helix or helicalis used to refer to any type of helical structure, including 3 10 -helices, -helices and -helices ...
4 3dah - Structure of dimeric, recombinant Sulfolobus solfataricus phosphoribosyl diphosphate synthase: a bent dimer defining the adenine specificity of the substrate ATP 2015 RW Andersen, LL Leggio, B Hove-Jensen, A Kadziola - Extremophiles, 2015 - Springer ... 1 3 structure of PRPP synthase of the thermophilic, metha- nogenic archaeon M. jannaschii istetrameric and appears to be built by two dimers ... 2007), and the Gram-negative Betaproteobacterium Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) pseudomallei (PDB code 3DAH) have hex ...
5 4o6r 4kna, 3i44, 3ek1 Amino acid residues that affect the basicity of the catalytic glutamate of the hydrolytic aldehyde dehydrogenases 2015 RA Muñoz-Clares, L González-Segura… - Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2015 - Elsevier ... groups as sticks with carbon atoms colored depending on the structure, oxygen in ... Family organism,enzyme (PDB code), pH crystal c, pK a, Hydrogen bond d ... Burkholderia cenocepacia, BCAM0469,AMP-complex (4O6R), 6.5, 7.42, Cys302↓ Gly270↓/Lys178↓ Glu399↑ Glu476 ...
6 4ffc - Polyamines in Fungi: Their Distribution, Metabolism, and Role in Cell Differentiation and Morphogenesis 2015 L Valds-Santiago, J Ruiz-Herrera - 2015 - ... of Polyamines.....5 2.1 Introduction.....5 2.2 Chemical Structure and Physicochemical ... of theInteractions of Polyamines with Cell Macromolecules and Structures..... ...
7 3rih - Studies on Structure-Function Relationship and Conversion of Coenzyme Requirement in Bacterial -Keto Acid Reductases Responsible for Metabolism of 2015 R Takase - 2015 - ... Data Page 5. 2 Bank ( PDB ) ( (40), in proportion to the progress in the field of structural biology. Structure -based biotechnology is expected to become an important part of post- structural biology. For ...
8 3p0x - Identification of protein-ligand binding site using machine learning and hybrid pre-processing techniques 2015 YKG Wong - 2015 - ... This type is suit- able if no structural information about the target is available. Another one isstructure- ... All this information can be found from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) [6] or Protein Qua-ternary Structure file server (PQS) [7], which show the atomic coordinates and the qua- ...
9 3ek1 3i44 Residues that influence coenzyme preference in the aldehyde dehydrogenases 2015 L González-Segura, H Riveros-Rosas… - Chemico-biological …, 2015 - Elsevier ... enzymes. 2. Methods. 2.1. Structural comparisons. Structural comparisons of the ALDHcrystal structures available in the PDB were made using PyMOL ( and Coot [10]. 2.2. Sequence analyses. ALDH amino ...
10 3uf8 - AIDA: ab initio domain assembly for automated multi-domain protein structure prediction and domain–domain interaction prediction 2015 D Xu, L Jaroszewski, Z Li, A Godzik - Bioinformatics, 2015 - Oxford Univ Press ... the first domain in SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PDB ID 3uf8, chain A ... For example, the linker between the two domains in scFv-IL-1B complex (PDB ID 2kh2 ... for assembly of independently determined domains than for domains extracted from the structure of the ...