We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
3EJ2 | 2008 | 4 |
3F9I | 2008 | 12 |
3D6B | 2008 | 5 |
3D64 | 2008 | 14 |
3F0F | 2008 | 3 |
3ECD | 2008 | 9 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 3cez | - | http://ntnu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:603697 | Structure-functional Characterization of Mammalian Redox Proteins: Methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 (MsrB1), Glutaredoxin domain (Grx) of TGR, and Thioredoxin (Trx) | 2013 | O Dobrovolska - 2013 - ntnu.diva-portal.org | ... situated in the second ?-sheet. The four cysteines Cys23, Cys26, Cys71, and Cys74, situated outside the protein active site, coordinate zinc ion, stabilizing the structure of MsrB1. Figure II.1.2. Structure of MsrB1 (pdb code 2kv1) [55]. II.1.1 MsrB1-Thioredoxin interaction ... |
2 | 3gka | - | http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/76/76132/tde-24032014-151614/en.php | Estudo estrutural das enzimas Topoisomerase II Mitocondrial e Old Yellow Enzyme de Trypanosoma cruzi | 2014 | NC Rodrigues - teses.usp.br | ... resolution of 1.27 and 2.00 , respectively. The atomic coordinates and structure factors of the TcOYE structure in P212121 and P21 crystalline forms have been deposited in the Protein DataBank with the accession codes 4E2B and 4E2D, respectively. TcOYE displays a ... |
3 | 5ts2 | - | http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b09543 | Umbrella Sampling and X-ray Crystallographic Analysis Unveil an Arg-Asp Gate Facilitating Inhibitor Binding Inside Phosphopantetheine Adenylyltransferase | 2018 | A Mondal, R Chatterjee, S Datta- The Journal of Physical, 2018 - ACS Publications | In this study, we have attempted to further comprehend the structural details and mechanisms involved in AcCoA binding Material and method: MD simulations The PPATWT-AcCoA structure used for this study was obtained from RCSB- PDB ( PDB ID: 3X1J) |
4 | 3t7c | 3s55 | https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.15.341941v1.abstract | Structural studies on M. tuberculosis decaprenyl phosphoryl--D-ribose epimerase-2 enzyme involved in cell wall biogenesis | 2020 | SP Gangwar, A Bandyopadhyay, AK Saxena- bioRxiv, 2020 - biorxiv.org | The MtbDprE2 structure was aligned with structures of PDB database using TM- structural alignment program of I-TASSER server, which yielded ten closest structural homologs (as coverage=97.2% [54] (vi) PDB - 3t7c , identity=13.3%, coverage=97.2% [55] (vii) PDB -1ipe |
5 | 3o2e | - | https://portlandpress.com/bioscirep/article-abstract/doi/10.1042/BSR20202956/226... | Sinorhizobium meliloti YrbA binds divalent metal cations using two conserved histidines | 2020 | T Roret, G Alloing, JM Girardet, T Perrot- Bioscience, 2020 - portlandpress.com | protein structures found in the protein databank, we tentatively attributed the changes to the Interestingly, a structure of a BolA_H from the pathogen Coxiella burnetii ligating a Co atom was solved in the frame of a structural genomic initiative for drug design, deposited in ...The coordinates of A. thaliana, B. bovis, and C. burnetii BolA proteins are from previous crystal structures (PDB entries 4PUG, 4PUH, 4PUI, 3O2E and 3TR3) |
6 | 4wgj | - | https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.17.046482v1.abstract | Bartonella effector protein C mediates actin stress fiber formation via recruitment of GEF-H1 to the plasma membrane | 2020 | S Marlaire, C Dehio- BioRxiv, 2020 - biorxiv.org | On the 130 structural level, BepC displays the ancestral FIC-OB-BID architecture . However, 131 replacement of an acidic residue (D/E) by a lysine (K). The crystal structure of the 134 the - and -phosphates of the ATP analog ( PDB : 4WGJ ), thus functionally replacing 137 |
7 | 6c9e | - | https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5rh0j6b2 | Molecular and shell biologyexamining the biochemistry and physiology of prokaryotic nanocompartments | 2020 | RJ Nichols - 2020 - escholarship.org | (B) Size comparison of the nanocompartments to GFP [ PDB : 1C4F], the HK97 viral capsid [ PDB : 1OHG], and the Lastly, given that there is no known structure of a DyP- packaging encapsulin, these nanocompartments may have a pore architecture that permits transit |
8 | 3cez | 3cxk | http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-8742-0_11 | Evolution of Structural and Coordination Features Within the Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B Family | 2014 | E Shumilina, O Dobrovolska, A Dikiy - The Structural Basis of Biological , 2014 - Springer | Figure V.2.2. Three-dimensional structure of Zn-binding site and thecorresponding regions of MsrBs family. For the explanation see text. A - MsrB1, M.musculus, 2KV1, [123]; B - MsrB1, H. sapience , 3MAO, not published; C - MsrB2, M.musculus, 2L1U, [125]; D - MsrB, X. campestris, 3HCI, [124]; E -B. pseudomallei,3CEZ/3CXK, not published; http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:603697/FULLTEXT02.pdf |
9 | 3ek2 | - | http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2017/0088822.html | Crystalline Structure of FABI from Burkholderia Pseudomallei | 2017 | NR Krishnamurthy - US Patent , 2017 - freepatentsonline.com | ... Analysis of X-Ray Structure of BpmFabI. ... The structural superposition showed an rms deviationof 1.047 , 0.87 and 1.07 respectively for Bpm (256 Ca atoms; PDB; 3EK2), Ec (251 Caatoms; PDB; 4JQC) and ScFabI (242 Ca atoms; PDB; 4FS3) crystal structures. ... |
10 | 5i1f | - | http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?dp5104 | Structure of the Bacillus anthracis dTDP-l-rhamnose-biosynthetic enzyme glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase (RfbA) | 2017 | J Baumgartner, J Lee, AS Halavaty- Section F: Structural, 2017 - scripts.iucr.org | The Mg2+ ion is modeled from the RffH structure The GalU homologs are from Burkholderia vietnamiensis ( PDB entry 5i1f ; Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease, unpublished work) and Sphingomonas elodea ( PDB entry 2ux8), respectively |