Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 5vwm - N-Hydroxyformamide LpxC inhibitors, their in vivo efficacy in a mouse Escherichia coli infection model, and their safety in a rat hemodynamic assay 2020 T Furuya, AB Shapiro, J Comita-Prevoir- Bioorganic & Medicinal, 2020 - Elsevier Fig. 2. Key interactions in the LpxC enzyme binding pocket observed in P. aeruginosa LpxCCHIR-090 (3) co-crystal structure ( PDB code: 5VWM ). We first implemented a docking model using the ICM-Pro software (Molsoft) based on the available co-crystal structures of P
2 5idv - Conformational States of ABC Transporter MsbA in a Lipid Environment Investigated by Small-Angle Scattering Using Stealth Carrier Nanodiscs 2018 I Josts, J Nitsche, S Maric, HD Mertens, M Moulin- Structure, 2018 - Elsevier are slightly apart, rather than in contact, as seen in the closed structure (Figure 3 2005) and a single MsbA monomer (Figure 4). We imposed several structural restraints, assuming an overall confirmation as observed for P-glycoprotein (Szewczyk et al., 2015) ( PDB : 4Q9H) and
3 5j3b - Structural Basis for Toxin Inhibition in the VapXD Toxin-Antitoxin System 2020 MB Bertelsen, M Senissar, MH Nielsen, F Bisiak- Structure, 2020 - Elsevier Here, we provide structural insights into the architecture of the intact VapXD TA complex and toxin residues missing in each chain likely due to flexibility (Figure S1A). The structure consists of PDB Entry, VapXD (Selenomethionine) 6ZN8, VapD (Wild Type) 6ZI0, VapD (D7N) 6ZI1... (B) Structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii EF-P OB fold with conserved secondary structure in gold (PDB: 5J3B, left) and corresponding topology (right).
4 6pqh - Structural study of the N-terminal domain of human MCM8/9 complex 2021 J Li, D Yu, L Liu, H Liang, Q Ouyang, Y Liu- Structure, 2021 - Elsevier Journal home page for Structure . Article. Structural study of the N-terminal domain of human MCM8/9 complex Show more Share. Cite Highlights. The heterohexameric NTD structure combined crystal structures with cryo-EM map. ...Some other structures with less than 2.0 Å RMSD include DNA-directed DNA polymerase III (PDB: 3F2B), asparagine-tRNA ligase (PDB: 6PQH), replication protein A (PDB: 2K5V), telomerase-associated protein
5 4ix8 - Comprehensive genomic analysis of the TYROSINE AMINOTRANSFERASE (TAT) genes in apple (Malus domestica) allows the identification of MdTAT2 conferring 2018 H Wang, Q Dong, D Duan, S Zhao, M Li- Plant Physiology and, 2018 - Elsevier sequence identity for residues 44423), whereas MdTAT3 structure most closely matched that of Leishmania infantum TAT ( PDB ID: 4IX8 .A; RMSD To better understand the gene structure diversity of apple TAT proteins, the intron-exon organization in the coding sequences of
6 3u5w - The crystal structure of Rv2991 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: An F420 binding protein with unknown function 2019 S Benini, A Haouz, F Proux, P Alzari- Journal of structural biology, 2019 - Elsevier from M. tuberculosis in complex with F 420 (Ahmed et al., 2016); 3U5W uncharacterized protein of secondary structural elements of the query (Rv2991) that match the target structure by the sequence similarity search by BLASTp when Rv2991was compared to the whole PDB
7 3laa - Structure of the UspA1 protein fragment from Moraxella catarrhalis responsible for C3d binding 2019 KM Mikula, R Kolodziejczyk, A Goldman- Journal of structural biology, 2019 - Elsevier 2012) as found in SadA (2YO2, 2YNZ) (Hartmann et al., 2012) or BpaA ( 3LAA ) (Edwards et CCP4 package (Winn et al., 2011) with the structure of UspA1 165366 ( PDB : 3PR7) (Agnew Model of UspA1 299452 structure solved in this study, neck and coiled-coil domains; chain
8 6q04 - Spike protein fusion loop controls SARS-CoV-2 fusogenicity and infectivity 2021 D Pal- Journal of Structural Biology, 2021 - Elsevier The structural and dynamics analyses of the Spike show that its fusion loop spatially organizes three fusion peptides contiguous to each other to synergistically I propose a Contact Initiation Model based on the architecture of the Spike quaternary structure that explains the
9 3uam - Structural dynamics of lytic polysaccharide monoxygenases reveals a highly flexible substrate binding region 2019 R Arora, P Bharval, S Sarswati, TZ Sen- Journal of Molecular, 2019 - Elsevier pdb ) id: 2vtc, 2yet, 3zud, 4b5q, 4eir, 4qi8, 5acf, 5aci, 5acj, 5foh, 5tkf, 5tkg, 5tkh, and 5tki) and 10 structures in AA10 ( pdb id: 2bem, 3uam , 4ow5, 4oy6 MSF correlation value of 0.58 or higher (Table 1). In the case of AA11 and AA13 there was only one structure , 4mah and 5t7j
10 4g7f - In silico repositioning of etidronate as a potential inhibitor of the Trypanosoma cruzi enolase 2020 EA Valera-Vera, M Say, C Reigada- Journal of Molecular, 2020 - Elsevier Preparation of the PDBQT files (Protein Data Bank, partial charge (Q), and atom type (T)) was performed using AutoDock Tools v1.5.6 [29]. A search in the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) [30] was carried to find the crystal structure of TcENO ( PDB ID: 4G7F , Resolution: 2.4 , R