Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

SSGCID Proteins

Proteins are Available from SSGCID

There are two ways to search for SSGCID proteins:  

  • Perform a BLAST search. Protein availability is shown in the "protein" column. The SSGCIDID column provides a link to the SSGCID individual gene page, where available proteins are listed in the materials table, and protein ordering instructions are provided. 

  • Search by annotation (protein name, organism, external reference). Filter results by protein availability. The Target column provides a link to the SSGCID individual gene page, where available proteins are listed in the materials table, and protein ordering instructions are found.

The charts below show the number of targets, grouped by period of last activity, with proteins currently available to order, and the total number of proteins distributed during the same period.

*Some of the materials distributed in Contract 2 were made during Contract 1