Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3r20 3r8c Homology modeling and in silico toxicity assessment of potential inhibitors of cytidylate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2019 MA Isa- Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and, 2019 - Springer Six templates ( PDB CODE: 3R20 , 3R8C, 1Q3T, 1CKE, 2CMK, and 4E22) were selected based on the An alignment of the CMK and the 3R20 revealed that their structures share a 74.0 Ten structural models of CMK were generated, and the structure with the least DOPE and fold
2 3sbx - (p) ppGpp Regulates a Bacterial Nucleosidase by an Allosteric Two-Domain Switch 2019 YE Zhang, RL Brentsen, T Fuhrer, U Sauer, K Gerdes- Molecular cell, 2019 - Elsevier marinum showing similarity to the PpnN core domain and determined in the presence of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) ( PDB : 3SBX , Figure S3 Vibrio cholerae and Idomarina baltica, at a similar position to the phosphate of AMP in the M. marinum structure , suggesting that
3 3rd5 - Trial Direct Phasing Calculation of A Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Structure (4LNW) 2019 M Jiang, H He, WP Su- Crystals, 2019 - It is worth mentioning that 3RD5 is a test structure with the lowest solvent content that we have successfully applied the direct method to. 4. Methodology After locating the two ligands, MJ and HH were informed that the test structure has the PDB code 4LNW
4 3tde 3rv2, 3s82, 3iml Toward an Enzyme-coupled, Bioorthogonal Platform for Methyltransferases: Probing the Specificity of Methionine Adenosyltransferases 2019 TD Huber - 2019 - 4.4.5 Protein crystallization, data collection, and structure refinement ..... 105 reported similar promiscuity for the archael Sulfolobus solfataricus MAT (sMAT) and, notably, the corresponding first structural elucidation for a thermostable MAT (sMAT, PDB ID 4HPV)
5 3sbx - A LONELY GUY protein of Bordetella pertussis with unique features is related to oxidative stress 2019 F Moramarco, A Pezzicoli, L Salvini, R Leuzzi- Scientific reports, 2019 - first resorted to a theoretical approach. This involved overlapping a model of BP1253 with a monomer of the type-I LOG protein of M. marinum co-crystallized with AMP (MmLOG, PDB 3SBX ) 14,19 . BP1253 was modeled on a
6 3ix6 - Analysis of mutations leading to para-aminosalicylic acid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2019 B Pandey, S Grover, J Kaur, A Grover- Scientific reports, 2019 - crystal structures of the ThyA enzyme in Brucella melitensis (PDBID: 3IX6 ), M. tuberculosis 3QJ7) 20 , Enterococcus faecalis ( PDB IF: 6QYA), and Escherichia coli ( PDB ID: 1AXW Comparative analysis of the binding free energy, secondary structure elements, and free energy
7 3gqt - Design, Synthesis, and Biological and In Silico Study of FluorineContaining Quinoline Hybrid Thiosemicarbazide Analogues 2019 DB Patel, KD Patel, NP Prajapati- Journal of, 2019 - Wiley Online Library Thus, design, development, and structure modification existing drugs are necessary with highly selective potency on specific strains Entry, Code no. R 1, R 2, R 3, Product, Yield (%)a a Purified yield. 1, 8a, 4CF 3, 6CF 3, ... Figure 4c describes the interaction details of compounds 8d and 8k with PDB: 3GQT; compound 8d showed four H‐bond interactions
8 5td3 - Cloning, expression and characterization of catechol 1, 2-dioxygenase from Burkholderia cepacia 2019 TVN Thi, DDH Sinh, THT Le, ND Huy- The Journal of general, 2019 - Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from the Gram-positive Rhodococcus opacus 1CP: 337 quantitative structure /activity relationship and the crystal structures of native enzyme 338 radioresistens LMG S13 ( PDB : 2XSU), B. vietnamiensis LMG 22486 ( PDB : 5TD3 ), R. 375
9 6d9y 6d9n Protein secondary structure online server predictive evaluation 2019 - Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics, 2019 - 1 SPIDER Fig.1 Main structure of SPIDER 2.1
10 3tf6 - Neural networks for improving drug discovery e fficiency 2019 H Hassan Harrirou - 2019 - The PDBBind 2018 general set version contains 19588 biomolecu- lar structures , for which some SMILES or FASTA), or full 3D representations of atom coordinates (ie PDB ), with bonds preferable properties of inputs to most machine-learning algorithms: a fixed-size structure