We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
6V91 | 2020 | 0 |
4XKZ | 2015 | 0 |
6VH5 | 2020 | 0 |
4W9U | 2014 | 0 |
6VS4 | 2020 | 0 |
5TT1 | 2016 | 0 |
5VC2 | 2017 | 0 |
4XGH | 2015 | 0 |
6W14 | 2020 | 0 |
6W15 | 2020 | 0 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 3fdz | 3ezn | http://search.proquest.com/openview/4de212650c142a0818d74dc9ee7da4f8/1?pq-origsi... | Computational methods & forcefields for protein design, structure prediction, & refinement with natural & modified amino acids | 2015 | GA Khoury - 2015 - search.proquest.com | ... These were assessed by aligning the modied and unmodied structures containedinthe PDB with each other. (B) Structural similarity between the unmodied structure(U-PDB) and states of unmodied structure simulation (S1). ... |
2 | 3swt | - | http://uknowledge.uky.edu/pharmacy_etds/52/ | Antibiotics Targeting Tuberculosis: Biosynthesis of A-102395 and Discovery of Novel Actinomycins | 2015 | W Cai - 2015 - uknowledge.uky.edu | ... Interestingly, Cpr19 was a monomer instead of a dimer as TauD (fig 2.3.11C,PDB ID:3SWT(110)), its closest homology, suggesting that this enzyme has a distinct three dimension structure compared with other αKG:taurine dioxygenase ... |
3 | 3d5t | - | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/prot.24743/full | Structures of citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis | 2015 | DM Ferraris, R Spallek, W Oehlmann… - Proteins: Structure, …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library | ... thermophilus (4KDE), Thermus flavus (1BDM), Aquaspirillum articum (1B8P), and Burkholderiapseudomallei (3D5T). ... RMSD = 1.4 Å) and malate dehydrogenase from T. flavus (PDB code =1BMD ... The structure of M. tuberculosis malate dehydrogenase shows the presence of a ... |
4 | 4qic | - | http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-genet-112414-054813 | General Stress Signaling in the Alphaproteobacteria | 2015 | A Fiebig, J Herrou, J Willett - Annual review of genetics, 2015 - annualreviews.org | ... (f) Structural representation of full-length PhyR in an open conformation bound to NepR(PDB:4QIC). This complex structure evinces an unusual exchange of receiver domain secondaryelements 5-12 (yellow) between adjacent PhyR/NepR complexes in the crystal lattice. ... |
5 | 3qi6 | - | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbic.201402489/full | Identification and Characterization of a Methionine γ‐Lyase in the Calicheamicin Biosynthetic Cluster of Micromonospora echinospora | 2015 | H Song, R Xu, Z Guo - ChemBioChem, 2015 - Wiley Online Library | ... with iMOSFILM, and scaled with SCALA (CCP4 suite).35 The initial search model was generatedby pruning non-conserved residues of the Mycobacterium ulcerans cystathionine γ-synthase(MetB; PDB ID: 3QI6) with CHAINSAW.36 The structure of CalE6 was ... |
6 | 3eg4 | 3mdx, 3qxi, 3lqw, 3laa, 3oc7 | http://www.theses.fr/2015GRENM005/abes | Nouvelles méthodes de calcul pour la prédiction des interactions protéine-protéine au niveau structural | 2015 | P Popov - 2015 - theses.fr | ... au niveau structural Thèse soutenue publiquement le « 28 Janvier 2015 », devant le jury composéde : ... blue, respectively). Right: native structure of Target 58 (grey) and medium-quality model pro- ...18 2.2 Query protocols for the PDB that were used to compose the bound bench- ... |
7 | 4qtp | - | http://kjvr.org/upload/2015/06/25/20150625103448248200.pdf | Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis 감염 초기 개체 검출을 위한항원 탐색 및 특성 분석 | 2015 | 박홍태, 박현의, 신민경, 조용일, 유한상 - Korean J Vet Res, 2015 - kjvr.org | ... MAP의 MAP0380 유전자가 coding하고 있는 anti-sigma factor antagonist protein(PDB ID: 4qtp,TM-score ... 1. Three-dimensional structure prediction using I-TASSER server. ... 백질은 MAP1204의p60 domain으로 나타났는데(PDB ID: 3i86, TM-score: 0.547), sequence identity가 100 ... |
8 | 3k9h | - | http://www.jbc.org/content/early/2015/06/08/jbc.M115.649632.short | Molecular anatomy of ParA-ParA and ParA-ParB interactions during plasmid partitioning | 2015 | A Volante, JC Alonso - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015 - ASBMB | ... Superimposition of full-length monomer structures of δ (in green) and T thermophilus Soj (ParA-Sm) in blue (PDB: 2BEK); with P1-ParA in yellow (PDB: 3EZ6); and with TP228-ParF (ParA-Sm) in orange (PDB: 3K9H)... |
9 | 3d64 | 3n58 | http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S1399004715018659 | An enzyme captured in two conformational states: crystal structure of S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase from Bradyrhizobium elkanii | 2015 | T Manszewski, K Singh, B Imiolczyk - Section D: Biological , 2015 - scripts.iucr.org | ... pseudomallei (Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease, unpublished work,PDB entry 3d64 ), Brucella melitensis (unpublished work, PDB entry 3n58 ... Here, we present thefirst crystal structure of SAHase from a nodulating bacterium, Bradyrhizobium ... |
10 | 4wkw | - | http://www.jbc.org/content/290/52/31077.short | The redox state regulates the conformation of Rv2466c to activate the antitubercular prodrug TP053 | 2015 | D Albesa-Jov, N Comino, M Tersa, E Mohorko - Journal of Biological , 2015 - ASBMB | ...E, schematic representation showing the comparison between the crystal structure of Rv2466c-CT-His and the structural homologue from M. leprae (PDB code 4WKW). The canonical thioredoxin folds are shown in orange. The α-helical subdomains of Rv2466c-CT-His and the M. leprae homologue ... |