Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 6nb3 - Origen del SARS-CoV-2 desde una perspectiva Bioinformtica 2021 R Isea- Conocimiento Libre y Licenciamiento (CLIC), 2021 - 6NB3 1359 MERS-CoV secuencias de la glicoprotena de espcula S que han sido recopiladas en la base de datos de protenas PDB Sequence analysis and structure predition of SARS-CoV-2 accesory proteins 9b and ORF14: evolutionary analysis indicates close
2 3i3r 3nrr Caracterizao estrutural e avaliao da atividade biolgica de uma nova hipotensina identificada no veneno do escorpio Tityus stigmurus 2016 RJA Machado - 2016 - ... This study aimed to carry out the structural characterization and biological evaluation of a new hypotensin identified in T. stigmurus scorpion venom. The cluster TSTI0006C, obtained from the venom gland transcriptome, was analyzed and had its primary structure reduced after ...
3 3nrr 3i3r Homology modeling, vasorelaxant and bradykinin-potentiating activities of a novel hypotensin found in the scorpion venom from Tityus stigmurus 2015 RJA Machado, LGM Junior, NKV Monteiro… - Toxicon, 2015 - Elsevier ... thymidylate synthase from B. bovis with dUMP, Ralitrexed and NADP (PDB ID: 3NRR, ChainA ... Protein Data Bank are listed here in increasing order of identity: X-ray structure dihydrofolatereductase/thymidylate synthase from B. bovis at 2.35 Å resolution (PDB ID: 3I3R ...
4 4wxt - Inhibition of thioredoxin A1 from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis by polyanions and flavonoids 2018 RJ Eberle, LA Kawai, FR de Moraes, D Olivier- International journal of, 2018 - Elsevier The initial model of the Cp-TrxA1 protein was obtained by homology modeling with the M. avium Trx structure ( PDB : 4WXT ; 50% homology), in order to Structural superposition of the Cp-TrxA1 homology model and the M. avium Trx structure showed a RMSD of 0.188 (Fig
5 6xdh - Room-temperature structural studies of SARS-CoV-2 protein NendoU with an X-ray free-electron laser 2023 RJ Jernigan, D Logeswaran, D Doppler, N Nagaratnam- Structure, 2023 - using the crystal structure of NendoU PDB entry 6XDH as the search model (Dranow et al., unpublished results) with all solvent and ligand atoms removed. The structure was refined
6 4f4f 3v7n Modeling and simulation study to identify threonine synthase as possible drug target in Leishmania major 2020 RJ Meshram, KT Bagul, SU Aouti, AM Shirsath- Molecular Diversity, 2020 - Springer conformational changes. Moreover, we address some important structural and dynamic interactions in the PLP binding region of TS that are in good agreement with previously speculated crystallographic estimations. Additionally
7 6c9e - Molecular and shell biologyexamining the biochemistry and physiology of prokaryotic nanocompartments 2020 RJ Nichols - 2020 - (B) Size comparison of the nanocompartments to GFP [ PDB : 1C4F], the HK97 viral capsid [ PDB : 1OHG], and the Lastly, given that there is no known structure of a DyP- packaging encapsulin, these nanocompartments may have a pore architecture that permits transit
8 6c9e - Discovery and characterization of a novel family of prokaryotic nanocompartments involved in sulfur metabolism 2020 RJ Nichols, B LaFrance, NR Phillips, LM Oltrogge- bioRxiv, 2020 - additional density for the holo-SrpI with a 243 homologous cysteine desulfurase dimer docked in ( pdb : 6c9e ) the first Family 2 encapsulin structure and is 267 the highest resolution structure for an Given the structural 271 similarity of the entire shell, it is unsurprising that the SrpI
9 4y0v - The structure of COPI vesicles and regulation of vesicle turnover 2023 RJ Taylor, G Tagiltsev, JAG Briggs- FEBS letters, 2023 - Wiley Online Library of COPI coat protein structure , we describe how structural and biochemical studies (A) The structure of GDP-bound Arf1 ( PDB 4Y0V ) and GTPbound Arf1 ( PDB 1O3Y). GTP/GDP binding
10 3s99 - Evidence for an ABC-Type Riboflavin Transporter System in Pathogenic Spirochetes 2013 RK Deka, CA Brautigam, BA Biddy, WZ Liu? - mBio, 2013 - Am Soc Microbiol ... bind a small molecule between its two lobes. An adenine-binding protein from Brucella melitensis (unpublished PDB accession code 3S99; RMSD = 1.8 ? over 260 comparable C ? atoms) is also structurally similar to TP0298. ...