Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3eiy - Utilising Graph Machine Learning within Drug Discovery and Development 2020 T Gaudelet, B Day, AR Jamasb, J Soman- arXiv preprint arXiv, 2020 - and evolve along a temporal dimension resulting in changes to composition, structure and attributes One such approach is to use a graph's structural information to regularise embeddings authors suggest the atten- tion mechanism is decoupled from the architecture and should
2 6nb6 6nb7 Computational approach for the design of potential spike protein binding natural compounds in SARS-CoV2 2020 A Basu, A Sarkar, U Maulik - 2020 - 2dd8:S, 2ghw:A, 1q4z:A, 1t7g:A, 1xjp:A, 5xlr:A, 5x58:A, 6nb6 :A, 6nb7 ASN 448 are also conserved in ve SARS CoV-2 spike protein PDB structures and changed in SARS-CoV 21. Guex, N., Peitsch, MC, Schwede, T. Automated comparative protein structure modeling with SWISS
3 6nb6 6nb7, 6nb8, 6q05 Drug targets for corona virus: A systematic review 2020 M Prajapat, P Sarma, N Shekhar, P Avti- Indian journal of, 2020 - inhibition property.[39] The structure (protein data bank [ PDB ] ID 5ZUV and 5ZVM) shows a stable 6-helix bundle structure with S230 antibody Fab fragment binds to the SARS-CoV complex to neutralize it, and their structures are also available ( PDB IDs: 6NB6 , 6NB7, and
4 3gbz - How evolution designs functional free energy landscapes of proteins? A case study on emergence of regulation in CDK family kinases. 2020 Z Shamsi, D Shukla- Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2020 - structures of CDK2 ( PDB ID: 5OSM, 6Q3F, 6Q4A, 6Q4B, 6Q4C, 6Q4D, 6Q4K), G/CDK ( PDB ID: 3GBZ ), and pfpk5 structures are native-like based on GA341 score and have comparable DOPE score with CDK2 native structure as shown in PDB ID for CMGI for native CDK2 score
5 6bfu 6nb6, 6nb7, 6nb3, 6tys, 6q04 Candidate targets for immune responses to 2019-Novel Coronavirus (nCoV): sequence homology-and bioinformatic-based predictions 2020 A Grifoni, J Sidney, Y Zhang- -HOST-MICROBE-D, 2020 - with data about immune epitopes, protein structures , and host responses to virus infections (Pickett et al., 2012) glycoprotein structure ( PDB : 6ACD). The calculated surface of the top 10 amino acid residues Non- structural protein 3b 2 0 Protein 7a 2 0 Protein 9b 2 0
6 3t7c 3s55 Structural studies on M. tuberculosis decaprenyl phosphoryl--D-ribose epimerase-2 enzyme involved in cell wall biogenesis 2020 SP Gangwar, A Bandyopadhyay, AK Saxena- bioRxiv, 2020 - The MtbDprE2 structure was aligned with structures of PDB database using TM- structural alignment program of I-TASSER server, which yielded ten closest structural homologs (as coverage=97.2% [54] (vi) PDB - 3t7c , identity=13.3%, coverage=97.2% [55] (vii) PDB -1ipe
7 3gka - Two new ene-reductases from photosynthetic extremophiles enlarge the panel of old yellow enzymes: CtOYE and GsOYE 2020 MS Robescu, M Niero, M Hall, L Cendron- Applied Microbiology, 2020 - Springer The most peculiar structural features of each enzyme are depicted in bright orange (loop 3 In the active site of GsOYE structure , a chloride anion, present in the crystallization In the structures of the GsOYE complexes, both para-hydroxybenzaldehyde (pHBA; PDB : 6S31) (Fig
8 2khp - Identifying Ortholog Selective Fragment Molecules for Bacterial Glutaredoxins by NMR and Affinity Enhancement by Modification with an Acrylamide Warhead 2020 RB Khattri, DL Morris, SM Bilinovich, E Manandhar- Molecules, 2020 - between the two domains, the presence of multiple paralogs in one or both species, and a lack of conserved genomic architecture between the Structural comparison of hGRX1 to E. coli GRX and BrmGRX indicated similarities in the overall fold and structure ... NMR backbone resonance assignments for BrmGRX (2KHP) and hGRX1 (1JHB) were obtained from the BMRB
9 6vxx 6vyb Glycans on the SARS-CoV-2 spike control the receptor binding domain conformation 2020 R Henderson, RJ Edwards, K Mansouri, K Janowska- bioRxiv, 2020 - this map yielding a structure aligning to the unmutated 2P structure ( PDB ID 6VXX ) with a one RBD 'up' state structure fit to this map to its unmutated counterpart ( PDB ID 6VYB N234A mutation (Figure 3E and andF).F). However, the limited resolution of this structure limits close
10 6bfu 6nb4 Cryo-electron microscopy structure of the SADS-CoV spike glycoprotein provides insights into an evolution of unique coronavirus spike proteins 2020 S Ouyang- BioRxiv, 2020 - lower and outer side of S1-CTDs arranged as a big triangle. This architecture , 157 ie, CTD sandwiched by its own NTD and the adjacent NTD, comes into being 158 189 (G). Cryo-EM structure of SADS-CoV S monomeric subunit. The structural 190