Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3e5y - Analysis of coreperiphery organization in protein contact networks reveals groups of structurally and functionally critical residues 2015 AE Isaac, S Sinha - Journal of biosciences, 2015 - Springer ... residues are in the innermost cores, suggesting that the network core is critically important in maintaining the structural stability of ... 2.1 Protein structure analysis. ... set of 66 non-redundant protein structures obtained from the Protein Data Bank ( ) that include ... For the exceptions, viz., proteins with PDB ids 1a30, 1aac, 1auw, 1cbr, 1vl4, 3e5y and 3js3, we verified that those proteins among this group (
2 3hgb - Identification of a Class of Protein ADP-Ribosylating Sirtuins in Microbial Pathogens 2015 JGM Rack, R Morra, E Barkauskaite, R Kraehenbuehl… - Molecular cell, 2015 - Elsevier ... SpyGcvH-L structure is shown in black and canonical GcvH of cattle (PDB: 3KLR), pea (PDB: 1DMX), and M. tuberculosis (PDB: 3HGB) in orange, green, and yellow, respectively. Residue numbers for GcvH-L are given. ...
3 3laa - Selecting soluble/foldable protein domains through single-gene or genomic ORF filtering: structure of the head domain of Burkholderia pseudomallei antigen 2015 LJ Gourlay, C Peano, C Deantonio - Section D: Biological , 2015 - ... 1 [link] , Supplementary Tables S1 and S2). The 1.8 resolution crystal structure of BPSL2063Xtal was solved by molecular replacement using the structure of BpaA (PDB entry 3laa ; Edwardset al., 2010 [Edwards, TE, Phan, I., Abendroth, J., Dieterich, SH, Masoudi, A ...
4 2khr - Identification of outer membrane and exoproteins of carbapenem-resistant multilocus sequence type 258 Klebsiella pneumoniae 2015 AJ Brinkworth, CH Hammer, LR Olano, SD Kobayashi- PloS one, 2015 - are based on template proteins that have been submitted to the RCSB protein database as crystal structure or NMR data ID, Protein, Length (aa), 1 st Hit PDB , Protein Template, Conf, Id, 2 nd Hit PDB , Template, Conf G8VZH0, Hyp, 1007, 2bcm, DaaE adhesin, 31, 25, 2khr , MbtH
5 3tl6 - Basic Exploratory Proteins Analysis with Statistical Methods Applied on Structural Features 2015 E Del Prete, S Dotolo, A Marabotti- Mathematical Models in, 2015 - Springer 1JP7, 1M73, 1ODK, 1PK9, 1QE5, 1TCU, 1V4N, 1VMK, 1XE3, 1Z33, 2P4S, 3KHS, 3OZE, 3SCZ, 3TL6 , 3UAV, 4D98 2. Different online and local tools have been used to extract protein structural properties from PDB files: Vadar [15], for secondary structure (also confirmed
6 4kyx - Crystal structure, biochemical and cellular activities demonstrate separate functions of MTH1 and MTH2 2015 M Carter, AS Jemth, A Hagenkort, BDG Page… - Nature …, 2015 - ... The structure was solved by molecular replacement of the template structure file with PDB ID 4KYX using MolRep, and Arp/wARP was used for building the initial model, followed by iterative building cycles using the Refine program in Phenix ...
7 3ek2 - AFN‐1252 is a potent inhibitor of Enoyl‐ACP reductase from Burkholderia pseudomallei‐Crystal structure, Mode of action and biological activity 2015 KN Rao, A Lakshminarasimhan, S Joseph… - Protein …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library ... due to poor electron density. The structural models were generated using Pymol. 34 Summaryof ... The overall structure of BpmFabI in complex with AFN-1252 is similar to the earlier reportedapo-structure of Bpm FabI (PDB:3EK2) and ternary complex structures of Ec (E. coli: ...
8 3tcq - CombAlign: a code for generating a one-to-many sequence alignment from a set of pairwise structure-based sequence alignments 2015 CLE Zhou - Source Code for Biology and Medicine, 2015 - Springer ... there exist crystal structures for several of the filovirus VP40 proteins [ 21 ] (Sudan: 3TCQ, 4LD8;Zaire: 4LDB, 4LDD, 4LDM; Ebola sp.: 1ES6, 1H2C, 1H2D), structure models for ... models for proteinsthat are represented in the Protein Data Bank database (PDB) will naturally ...
9 3tmg - Mechanistic insight into trimethylamine N-oxide recognition by the marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 2015 CY Li, XL Chen, X Shao, TD Wei, P Wang - Journal of , 2015 - Am Soc Microbiol ... The extended loop comprising the metal ion binding site is colored orange. The PDBcode of each structure is shown. ... TmoX, green; 2REG, cyan; 3TMG, magenta; 3L6H, yellow;1R9L, salmon; 3PPP, light blue; 3R6U, slate; 1SW2, orange. ...
10 3k2h - Inside the biochemical pathways of thymidylate synthase perturbed by anticancer drugs: Novel strategies to overcome cancer chemoresistance 2015 L Taddia, D D'Arca, S Ferrari, C Marraccini - Drug Resistance , 2015 - Elsevier The binding sites of other folate analogs (such as methotrexate) have been studied with TS isolated from other organisms (PDB IDs: 3K2H, 1AXW) and all share the same binding site..