We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
7JV6 | 2021 | 13 |
7LXI | 2021 | 0 |
7SH3 | 2021 | 4 |
7SBC | 2021 | 4 |
7RBX | 2021 | 4 |
7RAL | 2021 | 22 |
7RA8 | 2021 | 12 |
7N8I | 2021 | 10 |
7N8H | 2021 | 20 |
7N7S | 2021 | 1 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 4kyx | - | http://www.cell.com/molecular-plant/abstract/S1674-2052(17)30305-2 | Structural Insights into the Substrate Recognition Mechanism of Arabidopsis GPP-Bound NUDX1 for Noncanonical Monoterpene Biosynthesis | 2018 | J Liu, Z Guan, H Liu, L Qi, D Zhang, T Zou, P Yin- Molecular plant, 2018 - cell.com | the structure by molecular replacement based on the available coordinates (MutT, PDB : 53 4KYX ) and refined the structure at a resolution of 1.39 (Supplemental Table 1). Most of 54 such as FPP. Furthermore, our findings provide new opportunities for structure -guided 156 |
2 | 6ao8 | - | https://aac.asm.org/content/64/6/e02252-19.abstract | Mutations in ArgS Arginine-tRNA Synthetase Confer Additional Antibiotic Tolerance Protection to Extended-Spectrum--Lactamase-Producing Burkholderia | 2020 | H Yi, J Park, KH Cho, HS Kim- Antimicrobial Agents and, 2020 - Am Soc Microbiol | To investigate the ArgS function affected by the mutations, we first computationally predicted the B. thailandensis ArgS structure by using the homologous structure of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PDB accession no. 6AO8) using Modeller |
3 | 5unb | - | https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/06/463554.abstract | NEPRE: a Scoring Function for Protein Structures based on Neighbourhood Preference | 2018 | S Liu, X Xiang- bioRxiv, 2018 - biorxiv.org | Based on the testing results and the comparison with several other structure assessment methods, we report that the neighborhood structural correctness. MATERIALS AND METHODS composed of 14,647 PDB structures , which were selected from the NCBI VAST (the vector |
4 | 3ek2 | - | http://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/15/2/2672/pdf | Paclitaxel Induces Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells through Different Calcium-Regulating Mechanisms Depending on External Calcium Conditions | 2014 | Z Pan, A Avila, L Gollahon - International journal of molecular sciences, 2014 - mdpi.com | ... 3 2i6x ?10.3 Porphyromonas gingivalis hydrolase 4 3ek2 ?10.3 Burkholderia pseudomallei eonyl reductase ... Two libraries, ?pdb_subset.py? and ?pdb_centermass.py? from the pdb-tools project (https://code.google.com/p/pdb-tools/) were modified and used in Artemis. ... |
5 | 5ha4 | - | https://kronika.ac/wp-content/uploads/10F.pdf | Computational modelling, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulation studies of Enterococcus faecalis diaminopimelate epimerase | 2024 | J Chaudhary, P Sharma, N Singh, VK Srivastava - kronika.ac | .nlm.nih.gov] and converted to PDB format using Pymol software. of EfDapF was opened as PDB format, and polar hydrogen Co-crystal structure of DapF from C.glutamicum ... The available crystal structures of DapF from different organisms such as E.coli [PDB entry: 4IJZ], Bacillus anthracis [PDB entry: 2OTN], Acinetobacter baumannii [PDB entry: 5HA4], |
6 | 3iew | - | https://pointloma.whdl.org/sites/default/files/Harper-Synthesis%20and%20Computat... | Synthesis and Computational Analysis of Novel IspF Inhibitors | 2018 | D Harper, M Rouffet, L Votapka- Bulletin of the American, 2018 - pointloma.whdl.org | The crystal structure of IspF was taken from the Protein Data Bank, code 3iew .7 The first As for the protein, the monomer's crystal structure was cleaned and protonated with the H++ webserver (version 3.2).11 The . pdb file was manually edited to correct these protonation states |
7 | 3eoo | - | https://opendata.uni-halle.de/handle/1981185920/8795 | Massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen zur Struktur der Peroxisom-Proliferator-aktivierten Rezeptoren- und-/ | 2017 | R Schwarz - 2017 - opendata.uni-halle.de | Optische Dichte bei 600 nm PAGE Polyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese PBP PPAR Binding Protein PCR Polymerase-Kettenreaktion PDB Proteindatenbank PflB Pyruvate Formate Lyase PMSF Phenylmethansulfonylfluorid PPAR Peroxisom-Proliferator-aktiverter Rezeptor ppm ... Die umfangreichsten Röntgenkristallstrukturen wurden mit dem Subtyp PPAR-γ (PDBEinträge: 3DZU, 3DZY und 3EOO) gewonnen, in denen das Volllängenprotein ohne den flexiblen N-Terminus mit RXR-α und verschiedenen Liganden und Kofaktoren kokristallisier |
8 | 5eks | - | http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&auth... | In-silico three dimensional structure prediction of important Neisseria meningitidis proteins. | 2021 | M Ali, M Aurongzeb, Y Rashid- Pakistan Journal of, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com | Chain A of 3-dehydroquinate Synthase from Acinetobacter Baumannii in complex with NAD+ with PDB id 5EKS (to be published) was selected as a template structure . The template had 98% query coverage and 56% sequence identity with the target sequence |
9 | 3ixc | 3oi9, 3mxu, 3laa, 3mdx, 3m1x, 3lqw | http://www.google.com/patents/US20130274441 | General Method for Designing Self-Assembling Protein Nanomaterials | 2013 | D Baker, N King, W Sheffler, T Yeates - US Patent App. 13/802,464, 2013 - Google Patents | ... subunits. The wild-type protein from which O3-33 was derived (PDB ID 3N79) did not assemble to a higher order structure; it eluted from the column mostly as trimers, with a small peak corresponding to a dimer of trimers. Analytical ... |
10 | 4xfj | 4oh7 | http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.06764 | FreeSASA: An open source C library for solvent accessible surface area calculation | 2016 | S Mitternacht - arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.06764, 2016 - arxiv.org | ... 88 PDB files were selected randomly from a set of size intervals ... PISCES specifies a specific chainin each structure, but in the following all chains were used, which resulted in the ... 4c1a, 4cj0, 4g6t,4g7x, 4gmu, 4h7u, 4kv7, 4la2, 4lix, 4n13, 4oh7, 4oxx, 4p0t, 4pj2, 4qas, 4xfj, 7odc. ... |