Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 4y0v - The structure of COPI vesicles and regulation of vesicle turnover 2023 RJ Taylor, G Tagiltsev, JAG Briggs- FEBS letters, 2023 - Wiley Online Library of COPI coat protein structure , we describe how structural and biochemical studies (A) The structure of GDP-bound Arf1 ( PDB 4Y0V ) and GTPbound Arf1 ( PDB 1O3Y). GTP/GDP binding
2 4yet 4f2n Tropical and Subtropical Parasitic Diseases: Targets for a New Approach to Virtual Screening 2019 MJR Yunta, RC Dietrich- Molecular informatics, 2019 - Wiley Online Library The most stable extended geometry was always used as the starting structure in all SODb2 (glycosomial), 2GOJ for Plasmodium Falci- parum Fe-SODb1 (cytosolic) and 4YET for Babesia Starting water molecules positions were those published in the corresponding PDB library
3 4yet 3js4 Amide- interactions in active centers of superoxide dismutase 2021 S Stojanovi, ZZ Petrovi- Journal of the Serbian, 2021 - A, 3js4:A, 3lio:A, 3lsu:A, 3mds:A, 3pu7:A, 3tqj:A, 4br6:A, 4c7u:A, 4f2n:A, 4ffk:A, 4yet :A, 5a9g 7. Example of the structure preferred amide interactions of FeSOD from the Thermosynechococcus elongatus ( PDB code 1my6): (a) parallel-displaced and (b) T-shaped structure
4 4yk1 4yk2, 4yk3 Versatility of the BID domain: Conserved function as type-IV-secretion-signal and secondarily evolved effector functions within Bartonella-infected host cells 2019 A Wagner, C Tittes, C Dehio- Frontiers in microbiology, 2019 - BID fold is highlighted through superposition of the three solved BID domains: BroBep6_tBID1 (green; PDB : 4YK1 ), BclBep9_tBID1 (cyan; PDB : 4YK2), and BheBepE_BID1 (purple; PDB : 4YK3 into ancestral tBIDs found in the canonical FIC-OB-BID architecture and derived
5 4yk1 - High performance computing with coarse grained model of biological macromolecules 2018 EA Lubecka, AK Sieradzan, C Czaplewski- Supercomputing, 2018 - The source code in the UNRES package with Fortran 90 has the following directory structure : unres (main program modules, source NucB (110 residues, single chain, PDB code: 5OMT), BID domain of Bep6 (137 residues, single chain, PDB code: 4YK1 ), CDI complex
6 4yl5 - Essential Metabolic Routes as a Way to ESKAPE from Antibiotic Resistance 2020 ALC Barra, CD Lvia de Oliveira, LG Moro- Frontiers in Public, 2020 - ID 2I5B (23)], Thermus thermophilus ( PDB ID 1UB0), A. baumannii ( PDB ID 4YL5 ), Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron tuberculosis (3O63), and for the bifunctional enzyme from Candida glabrata [ PDB IDs 3NL2 No crystal structure of an ESKAPE pathogen, ThiE, is available to date
7 4ylg - Cryo-EM structure of the yeast U4/U6. U5 tri-snRNP at 3.7 resolution 2016 THD Nguyen, WP Galej, X Bai, C Oubridge - Nature, 2016 - ... 4: Secondary structure of the snRNAs in tri-snRNP. ... S. pombe ILS spliceosomal complex 19, 20(red, PDB 3JB9), was overlaid on GDPs found in other guanine-nucleotide binding proteins(grey, PDB coordinates: 1DAR, 2E1R, 2WRI, 1Z0I, 5CA8, 1XTQ, 4YLG, 1SF8, 5BXQ ...
8 4ywj 4f3y, 3ijp Plant DHDPR forms a dimer with unique secondary structure features that preclude higher-order assembly 2018 SAJ Watkin, JR Keown, E Richards- Biochemical, 2018 - DHDPR from a total of nine bacterial species, whereas no plant DHDPR structures were previously and X-ray crystallography to demonstrate how small elements of secondary structure are able Additionally, we use kinetic assays and an analysis of the structural flexibility of the
9 4ywj - Coil conversion to strand induced by dimerization 2018 J Laibe, A Caffrey, M Broutin, S Guiglion- Proteins: Structure, 2018 - Wiley Online Library CATH: an expanded resource to predict protein function through structure and sequence -strand interfaces, standard - strand interfaces and domains in CATH (based on PDB release: July 01 interface including a salt bridge between E226-A and H232-B ( 4YWJ ) B. Dimorphic
10 4ywj 5bnt, 6bac, 6amy, 5ha4, 6amz, 7skb The coordinated action of the enzymes in the L-lysine biosynthetic pathway and how to inhibit it for antibiotic targets 2023 S Muduli, S Karmakar, S Mishra- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), 2023 - Elsevier (a) The trimeric structure of the CgDapD enzyme ( PDB ID: 5E3P). Two monomers are shown in (b) The crystal structure of the CgDapD enzyme in monomeric form ( PDB ID: 5E3Q),