We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
3EJ2 | 2008 | 4 |
3F9I | 2008 | 12 |
3D6B | 2008 | 5 |
3D64 | 2008 | 14 |
3F0F | 2008 | 3 |
3ECD | 2008 | 9 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 3ijp | - | http://ijib.classicrus.com/trns/81191318189978.pdf | Molecular cloning, biochemical and biophysical studies of Dihydrodipicolinate reductase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 | 2011 | V Anand, A Gautam, D Sareen, TP Singh? - Int. J. Integ. Biol, 2011 - ijib.classicrus.com | ... Thermotoga maritima (Pearce et al., 2008) have been characterized both mechanistically and structurally while some preliminary crystallization reports have been published for Staphylococcus aureus (Dommaraju et al., 2010) and Bartonella henselae (PDB code 3IJP) as well. ... |
2 | 3kre | - | http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2019/0209493.html | NOVEL APPLICATIONS OF SPERMINE AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF | 2019 | W Pan, W Zhu- US Patent App. 16/334,273, 2019 - freepatentsonline.com | Thermotoga maritime (1KUT), Clostridium perfringens (3NUA), Ehrlichia chaffeensis ( 3KRE ), Geobacillus kaustophilus On the basis of the above results, the crystal structure conformations in of Saccharormyces cerevisiae ( PDB : 2CNQ) and Escherichia coli ( PDB : 2GQS) are |
3 | 2khp | - | http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1396871078 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Study of Protein Complexes | 2014 | SM Bilinovich - 2014 - rave.ohiolink.edu | ... Molecular simulations and docking studies were performed using the pdb coordinates of the NMR determined structure of Brucella melitensis GRX (pdb 2KHP) (Leeper et. al 2011). Autodocking was performed using a copper(I) ion ... |
4 | 4f2n | 3js4 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141813017323541 | Anion interactions in active centers of superoxide dismutases | 2017 | VR Ribi, S Stojanovi, MV Zlatovi- International Journal of Biological, 2017 - Elsevier | ... 2rcv, 2w7w, 3ak2, 3ce1, 3dc6, 3evk, 3f7l, 3h1s, 3js4, 3lio, 3lsu, 3mds, 3pu7, 3tqj, 4br6, 4c7u, 4f2n , 4ffk, 4yet ... For example, in the crystal structure of superoxide dismutase (Fe) (sodB) from Coxiella burnetii ( PDB ID: 3tqj), there exists a anion interaction structure motif (Fig ... |
5 | 4pca | 4oa8, 4oa5 | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0968000417301858 | Outer Membrane Protein OmpB Methylation May Mediate Bacterial Virulence | 2017 | DCH Yang, AH Abeykoon, BE Choi, WM Ching- Trends in Biochemical, 2017 - Elsevier | ... on methylation of bacterial OMPs has uncovered novel mechanisms with respect to protein structure and catalytic ... of the 226-residue dimeric O-methyltransferase have been determined in its apo form ( PDB ID:4OA8) and in complex with AdoMet (4OA5) or AdoHcy ( 4PCA ). ... |
6 | 2lol | 2lky, 2kwl | http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1201/9781315368863-14 | Dynamic Analysis of Backbone-Hydrogen-Bond Propensity for Protein Binding and Drug Design | 2016 | CA Menndez, SR Accordino - Biopolymers for , 2016 - crcnetbase.com | ... binding (Bogan and Thorn 1998; Li and Liu 2009) propose that the structure of the ... layers of aset of complete (without missing residues) proteins without ligands (PDB IDs: 1AHO ... 2L4V, 2L5R,2L7W, 2LA1, 2LAO, 2LCU, 2LFN, 2LHC, 2LHS, 2LJM, 2LKB, 2LKY, 2LOL, 2LPK, 2PNE ... |
7 | 3dmo | 3mpz | http://meriva.pucrs.br/dspace/handle/10923/5732 | Análise bioquímica, estrutural e funcional da enzima citidina deaminase (EC 3.5. 4.5) de Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv | 2014 | ZAS Quitian - 2014 - meriva.pucrs.br | ... This work presents the crystal structures of MtCDA in complex with uridine (2.4 Å resolution) and ...process, showing that structural flexibility of some residues are important to product binding. ... MtCDAstructure. The role of the conserved glutamate-47 (E47) residue was ... |
8 | 6nb8 | - | https://saudijournals.com/media/articles/SIJB_36_143-153.pdf | Drug Targets for Corona Virus (COVID-19): A Systematic Review | 2020 | K Jayakumar - 2020 - saudijournals.com | to neutralize it, and their structures are also available ( PDB IDs: 6NB6, 6NB7, and 6NB8 .The monoclonal antibody, m396, has a competitive role for RBD binding ( PDB ID: 2DD8 However, the structure is highly variable among different members of the CoV family |
9 | 4weo | - | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/1873-3468.12834/full | Rational design of Meso2, 3butanediol dehydrogenase by molecular dynamics simulation and experimental evaluations | 2017 | Z Pu, F Ji, J Wang, Y Zhang, W Sun, Y Bao- Febs Letters, 2017 - Wiley Online Library | Sequence and structure alignment of the four BDHs. (A) Structure superposition of the BDHs in Protein Data Bank ( PDB code 1GEG: cyan; 3A28: green; 3WYE: yellow; 4WEO : red). (B) Sequence alignment between the four BDHs |
10 | 3ujh | - | http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0125831 | Evidence for Positive Selection within the PgiC1 Locus in the Grass Festuca ovina | 2015 | Y Li, B Canbäck, T Johansson, A Tunlid, HC Prentice - 2015 - dx.plos.org | ... 0.45 Å root-mean-square deviations for the backbone atoms from the template Toxoplasma 3ujh.pdb structure. ... of the candidate sites in the homology-modeled PGIC1 3-D structure, it can ...For comparative purposes, the 3-D protein structural locations of the PGI amino acid sites ... |