Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 6ok4 4lsm, 4k9d Structure determination and analyses of the GAPDH from the parasite Schistosoma mansoni, the first one from a platyhelminth 2021 S Boreiko, M Silva, J Iulek- Biochimie, 2021 - Elsevier The GAPDH’s structures selected for sequence alignment were from: Brugia malayi, Bmal - PDB ID: 4K9D ... and Chlamydia trachomatis, Ctra - PDB ID: 6OK4 [66]
2 3ido - The role of the tyrosine kinase Wzc (Sll0923) and the phosphatase Wzb (Slr0328) in the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Synechocystis 2019 SB Pereira, M Santos, JP Leite, C Flores- , 2019 - Wiley Online Library We clarified the roles of both proteins through biochemical and structural analysis, pro viding the first A threedimensional protein structure alignment was performed using representative LMWPTP sequences from the eukaryote E. histolytica ( PDB : 3ido ; UniProt:C4LSE7
3 3mx6 - Discovery of a new class of type 1 methionine aminopeptidases that have relaxed substrate specificity 2019 SC Bala, N Haque, V Pillalamarri, R Reddi- International journal of, 2019 - Elsevier 3MX6 , R. prowazekii, 99% (C), 1% (L) Based on this analysis, MetAP1n has different active site architecture and hence has a substrate preference for leucine in addition 3c. Column 2 describes the result analysis of the HSSP file associated with EcMetAP1a structure ( PDB : 1C21
4 5vnx 3qhx Crystallographic Snapshots of the Dunathan and Quinonoid Intermediates provide Insights into the Reaction Mechanism of Group II Decarboxylases 2020 SC Gayathri, N Manoj- Journal of Molecular Biology, 2020 - Elsevier Previously, we reported the biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of an archaeal type-I transferase superfamily and displays the characteristic three-domain architecture of the PLP aldehyde bound form (apoMjDCPLP ALD , non-covalently bound, PDB ID: 3F9T
5 3v7o 3tcq Characterizing alpha helical properties of Ebola viral proteins as potential targets for inhibition of alpha-helix mediated protein-protein interactions 2014 S Chakraborty, B Rao, B Asgeirsson… - …, 2014 - ... 1EBO,2EBO,3VE0,3CSY.. 2I8B,3V7O 3FKE,3L25,4LG2,4IBK... ... A PDB database search usingthe keyword 'Ebola' generate 146 single chained proteins, which were analyzed using DefineSecondary Structure of Proteins, resulting in 758 alpha helices ( ...
6 3md7 3urr, 3uw3, 3swo, 3mqd The electrostatic profile of consecutive Cβ atoms applied to protein structure quality assessment 2013 S Chakraborty, R Venkatramani, BJ Rao… - …, 2013 - ... PDB, NRes, NStructures, Specificity. ... based on the 'sequence to structure to function' paradigmis contingent upon the availability of its 3D-structure. The rapidly developing field of nextgeneration sequencing has exacerbated the bottleneck of obtaining structural data using ...
7 3ido 3jvi Vibrio cholerae LMWPTP-2 display unique surface charge and grooves around the active site: Indicative of distinctive substrate specificity and scope to design specific 2019 S Chatterjee, S Nath, B Ghosh, U Sen- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA, 2019 - Elsevier The surface properties of VcLMWTP-1, although have some distinct features, resembles closely to that of E. histolytica LMWPTP ( PDB : 3IDO ) This closure at the P-loop is also evident from the structural alignment with an 'open structure ' of apo-MPtpA ( PDB : 2LUO) [41] to the
8 2lwk - Using Machine Learning to Better Predict the Structure of RNA and RNA Containing Complexes 2020 S Chhabra - 2020 - 53 3.5 Top 10 RNA Structures for 2LWK predicted from sequence using CS-Fold and Rosetta structures . The statistics from Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) ( current understanding of the RNA structure -function relationships is limited due to
9 4iz9 - Mechanistic features of< i> Salmonella typhimurium</i> propionate kinase (TdcD): Insights from kinetic and crystallographic studies 2013 S Chittori, DK Simanshu, S Banerjee? - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, 2013 - Elsevier ... The recently deposited structure of Mycobacterium avium acetate kinase (PDB ID: 4IZ9; unpublished results) determined in complex with succinic acid–APC (a nucleotide analog) conjugate also shows a bound EDO at the proposed SCFA-II site ( Supplementary Fig. S1) consistent with the conserved nature of ligand binding mechanism in acetokinase family of enzymes ...
10 3p4i - Structural and mechanistic investigations on Salmonella typhimurium acetate kinase (AckA): identification of a putative ligand binding pocket at the dimeric interface 2012 S Chittori, H Savithri, M Murthy - BMC structural biology, 2012 - ... Crystal structures of two archeal acetate kinases, from Thermotoga maritima (PDB:2IIR, unpublished results) and Methanosarcina thermophila[15] and one from Mycobacterium avium (PDB:3P4I, unpublished results) have been determined earlier. ...