Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 5bq2 - The Mur Enzymes Chink in the Armour of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cell Wall 2021 Y Shinde, I Ahmad, S Surana, H Patel- European Journal of Medicinal, 2021 - Elsevier Mtb Mur ligases with the same catalytic mechanism share conserved amino acid regions and structural features that can conceivably exploit for the designing of the inhibitors, which can simultaneously target more than one isoforms (MurC-MurF) of the enzyme ... According to sequence homol- ogy search using BLASTp against PBD, 06 proteins structure tem- plates (PDB ID 3SG1, 5BQ2, 3ISS, 1A2N, 1UAE, and 3R38) were picked based on sequence identity and more statistical significance,
2 5br9 - Protein target highlights in CASP15: Analysis of models by structure providers 2023 LT Alexander, J Durairaj- Proteins: Structure, 2023 - Wiley Online Library structures superimposed on Ferrichrome-bound FhuA ( PDB ( PDB 1QFG, salmon) and FhuA from the target ( PDB 8B14, Red star: first resolved N-terminus of the different structures ... Structure of A. aeolicus TsaB. (A) The overlaid crystal structures of E. coli TsaB (PDB: 4YDU), T. maritima TsaB (PDB: 6N9A), S. typhimurium TsaB (PDB: 3ZET), P. s aeruginosa (PDB: 5BR9)
3 5bt8 - Phosphoglycerate kinase: structural aspects and functions, with special emphasis on the enzyme from Kinetoplastea 2020 M Rojas-Pirela, D Andrade-Alvirez- Open, 2020 - bacteria, PGK, monomer, open, , 6I06, [39]. Acinetobacter baumannii, bacteria, PGK, monomer, , , 5BT8 , Fairman et al. (NA) Figure 3. Three-dimensional structure of phosphoglycerate kinase. (a) Ribbon representation of the overall structure of pig muscle PGK ( PDB : 1HDI)
4 5cc8 - Transition from classical methods to new strategies: Mechanistic evaluation of inhibitors against Mycobacterium tuberculosis shikimate kinase 2018 N Ren Fuanta - 2018 - of each family. As stated previously, structural information and interactions with substrate(s) or Group Family and members Example Structure Group 1: Protein S/TY kinase/ atypical protein kinase/ lipid kinase/ ATP- grasp Thiamine-monophosphate kinase PDB : 5CC8 (50)
5 5cy4 - Structural basis of small RNA hydrolysis by oligoribonuclease (Cps ORN) from Colwellia psychrerythraea strain 34H 2019 CW Lee, SH Park, CS Jeong, SS Cha, H Park- Scientific reports, 2019 - Structure alignment search using DALI server showed that CpsORN exhibited high structural similarity with ORN HinORN; PDB code 1J9A), and Acinetobacter baumannii (AbaORN; PDB code 5CY4 ), and XC847 from Xanthomonas campestris (XcaORN; PDB code 2GBZ
6 5cy4 - Characterization of an intertidal zone metagenome oligoribonuclease and the role of the intermolecular disulfide bond for homodimer formation and nuclease activity 2019 Y Piotrowski, K Berg, DP Klebl, I Leiros- FEBS open, 2019 - Wiley Online Library campestris, PDB 1J9A: Haemophilus influenzae, PDB 2IGI: E. coli, PDB 3TR8: Coxiella burnetii, PDB 5CY4 : Acinetobacter baumannii) In the X. campestris Orn structure ( PDB 2GBZ) it is shown that Orn forms a dimer in the crystal From the structural analysis it was shown that
7 5cy4 - Human REXO2 controls short mitochondrial RNAs generated by mtRNA processing and decay machinery to prevent accumulation of double-stranded RNA 2020 M Szewczyk, D Malik, LS Borowski- Nucleic acids, 2020 - Here, we report comprehensive functional, biochemical, and structural studies to elucidate REXO2 function in human mitochondria We also demonstrate that REXO2 degrades RNA in a structure - and sequence-dependent manner. ... The model that was used for molecular replacement was oligoribonuclease from Acinetobacter baumnii (PDB ID: 5CY4, Seattle Structure Genomics Centre for Infectious Diseases), which shares 48.3% sequence identity with REXO2.
8 5cy4 - Structural and dynamic studies provide insights into specificity and allosteric regulation of ribonuclease as, a key enzyme in mycobacterial virulence 2019 L Calvanese, F Squeglia, M Romano- Structure and, 2019 - Taylor & Francis Despite this, its structure , a dimeric molecule with each monomer adopting a compact entry 4OKE) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis against the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) using the Coxiella burnetii (Coxbu) (3TR8, Z-score 13.8), Acinetobacter baumannii (Aciba) ( 5CY4 , Z-score
9 5cy4 - A functional and structural study of three bacterial nucleic acid-interacting proteins. The story of a Ferric Uptake Regulator, an Oligoribonuclease and an ATP 2020 K Berg - 2020 - Acinetobacter baumannii (PDB 5CY4) and E. coli (PDB code 1YTA )[148]. All Orn homologs are structurally similar and topologically arranged
10 5cy4 - Structural insights into nanoRNA degradation by human Rexo2 2019 LY Chu, S Agrawal, YP Chen, WZS Yang, HS Yuan- RNA, 2019 - 6A4E), or deposited in the protein data bank, including those from E. coli ( PDB codes: 1YTA, 2IGI), Acinetobacter baumannii ( PDB code: 5CY4 ), and Haemophilus influenzae ( PDB code 1J9A) Structural coordinates and diffraction structure factors of Rexo2-RNA, Rexo2-DNA1