Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3uam - Characterization of a bacterial copperdependent lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase with an unusual second coordination sphere 2020 A Munzone, B El Kerdi, M Fanuel- The FEBS, 2020 - Wiley Online Library by a glycine instead [23,24,26]. Additionally, a crystal structure of a putative AA10 LPMO from Burkholderia pseudomallei with a methionine in place of the alanine was released in the Protein Data Bank ( PDB accession code 3UAM )
2 3ujh - When a foreign gene meets its native counterpart: computational biophysics analysis of two PgiC loci in the grass Festuca ovina 2020 Y Li, S Mohanty, D Nilsson, B Hansson, K Mao- Scientific reports, 2020 - F. ovina. Using simulated native-state ensembles, we examine the structural properties and binding tightness of the dimers. In addition, we investigate their ability to withstand dissociation when pulled by a force. Our results
3 4g50 3uqb Targeting Protein Folding: A Novel Approach for the Treatment of Pathogenic Bacteria 2020 NJ Scheuplein, NM Bzdyl, EA Kibble- Journal of Medicinal, 2020 - ACS Publications Infectious diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, exacerbated by increasing antibiotic resistance in many bacterial species. The development of drugs with new modes of act...
4 3uqa - AtFKBP53: a chimeric histone chaperone with functional nucleoplasmin and PPIase domains 2020 AK Singh, A Datta, C Jobichen, S Luan- Nucleic Acids, 2020 - this PPIase with histone chaperoning activity, we have solved the crystal structures of its a pentameric nucleoplasmin-fold; making this the first report of a plant nucleoplasmin structure The crystal structure of AtFKBP53 FKBD (residues 360–477) was solved by molecular replacement method with the help of program MolRep (52) from CCP4 suite, using the coordinates of the A54E mutant of Burkholderia pseudomallei FKBP-FK506 complex structure as a search model (PDB ID: 3UQA), but without FK506.
5 5i1f 5j49, 5vct, 5ve7 In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of in silico Predicted Pneumococcal UDPG: PP Inhibitors 2020 F Cools, D Triki, N Geerts, P Delputte- Frontiers in, 2020 - Currently, the crystal structure of UDPG:PP is only known for several eukaryotes and following bacteria: Helicobacter pylori ( PDB codes 3JUJ and 3JUK) (Kim et al., 2010), E. coli ( PDB code 2E3D) (Thoden and Holden ( PDB codes 5VCT, 5VE7, 5J49, 5I1F ) (Abendroth et al
6 4f4f 3v7n Modeling and simulation study to identify threonine synthase as possible drug target in Leishmania major 2020 RJ Meshram, KT Bagul, SU Aouti, AM Shirsath- Molecular Diversity, 2020 - Springer conformational changes. Moreover, we address some important structural and dynamic interactions in the PLP binding region of TS that are in good agreement with previously speculated crystallographic estimations. Additionally
7 3v7o 5dvw Crystal structure of the Mngl virus VP30 C-terminal domain 2020 S Dong, K Wen, H Chu, H Li, Q Yu, C Wang- and Biophysical Research, 2020 - Elsevier VP30 CTD dimers formed from adjacent crystallographic asymmetric units with those of MARV ( PDB code: 5T3W), RESTV ( PDB code: 3V7O ) and EBOV ( PDB code: 5T3T) In this study, we determined the crystal structure of MLAV VP30 CTD monomer at 1.4 resolution
8 4dq8 - Green synthesis, antitubercular evaluation, and molecular docking studies of ethyl 3, 5-dicyano-6-oxo-2, 4-diarylpiperidine-3-carboxylate derivatives 2020 T Sekhar, P Thriveni, K Ramesh, PG Prasad- Medicinal Chemistry, 2020 - Springer Full size image. Fig. 4 figure4. a 3D structure view of molecular docking of compound 4c (green sticks) with Mycobacterium AckA protein (gray lines) The PDB file of the target protein downloaded from RCSB PDB (, AckA (PDBID: 4DQ8 )
9 5v6d 4dut, 6ay1, 4ek2, 4hr2 Structure, Folding and Stability of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinases 2020 F Georgescauld, Y Song, A Dautant- International Journal of Molecular, 2020 - So far, 162 structures from 30 different species have been deposited within the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) which fall to tetramer type II and two are isolated dimers [23,24,25] (Table 1). The structure of most tetramers was recently solved by a structural genomics approach yet ... 5v6d Neisseria gonorrhoeae in complex with citrate (1.85 Å) Abendroth, J.; Mayclin, S.J.; Lorimer, D.D.; Edwards, T.E.
10 4dz4 - Insights into the Mn2+ Binding Site in the Agmatinase-Like Protein (ALP): A Critical Enzyme for the Regulation of Agmatine Levels in Mammals 2020 MB Reyes, J Martnez-Oyanedel, C Navarrete- International Journal of, 2020 - Using comparative modeling we generated a structural model of LIM-ALP, including the Mn 2+ binding site, but without considering the first presents the general folding of this protein family, presenting only differences in the length of some of the secondary structure elements