Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 2klx - Studies in Computational Biochemistry: Applications to Computer Aided Drug Discovery and Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction 2019 ML Aprahamian - 2019 - structures were identified using a receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis and a set of known binding compounds. Using these structures as the receptors for structure -based drug discovery, a virtual screen was performed on the National Cancer Institute's ... The six proteins selected from the ab initio set were PDB ID 1tpm, 2klx, 2nc2, 2y4q, 3iql, and 4omo.
2 2khr 2kvc Investigating conformational transitions of proteins by coarse-grained elastic network models 2012 M Tekpinar - 2012 - The model is the green tube representation and the target ( PDB ID: 1LST) is the dark blue tube. Residues 91 B- factors show that each atom in the structure is dynamic in side chains of their amino acids. However, some conformations can have large structural
3 2n6x - RNA structure refinement using NMR solvent accessibility data 2017 C Hartlmller, JC Gnther, AC Wolter, J Whnert - Scientific , 2017 - ... Figure 4b ) and the corresponding sPRE values are underestimated based on the NMR solution structure , independent of which structural model of the UUCG loop motif ( PDB codes 1HLX, 1K2G, 1TLR, 1Z31, 2KHY, 2KOC, 2KZL, 2LHP, 2LUB and 2N6X ) was used. ...
4 3meb 4otl, 4f4f Bioinformatic and Biophysical Analyses of Proteins 2017 J Catazaro - 2017 - structure of every protein encoded within a particular genome, the aim is to concentrate to steadily produce structural representatives of previously uncharacterized genes. Although the new structures have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) 4
5 2kwl 2lky, 2lol Aspectos estructurales y dinmicos en la relajacin de sistemas complejos, con nfasis en agua lquida, sobreenfriada y nanoconfinada 2015 SR Accordino - 2015 - prctico: previene la agregacin de dos placas de grafeno. Page 9. 9 Abstract In this Thesis we studied, by means of molecular dynamic simulations, the structural and We also determined the geometrical quality of the local structure of these kinds of molecules. In
6 3kzx 3p96 Sequence-and structure-based approaches to deciphering enzyme evolution in the Haloalkonoate Dehalogenase superfamily 2014 C Pandya - 2014 - ... , all , + and /20. Importantly, ~10% of domain combinations in the Protein Data Bank(PDB) are domain insertions. ... It performs structure-based alignment and secondary-structure comparison to identify conserved and inserted secondary structural elements. ...
7 3fvb - Catalysis of iron core formation in Escherichia coli bacterioferritin 2009 S Wong - 2009 - ... Another example of a small molecule occupying a ferroxidase pore was recently discovered through crystallographic analysis of BFR from Brucella melitensis (PDB ID: 3FVB). This structure revealed imidazole bound to iron at the ferroxidase site such that the imidazole is located in the ferroxidase pore directly between the ferroxidase site and the pore opening. ...
8 3ftp - Crystallographic analysis and structure-guided engineering of NADPH-dependent Ralstonia sp. alcohol dehydrogenase toward NADH cosubstrate specificity 2013 A Lerchner, A Jarasch, W Meining? - Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2013 - Wiley Online Library ... The coding sequence for RasADH (starting with Tyr2 according to the UniProt data bank accession number C0IR58) was amplified from the plasmid pEam-RasADH (Lavandera et al. ... 8 homologous ?-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase of Streptomyces coelicolor (PDB code: ...
9 3gaf - New microbial hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases and their synthetic application for the selective modification of bile acids. 2011 EE Ferrandi - 2011 - ... but it has been hypothesized that binding of bile acids to hydrophobic pocket(s) of the proteasesmay destabilize their structure, making additional ... Bile salts are used for the structural rigidity ofthe steroid skeleton, which allows the formation of stable cavities, and because both ...
10 3oc6 - Computational protein design: assessment and applications 2015 Z Li - 2015 - ... 53 xiii Page 14. Figure 3.8 Superposition of the target structures ( PDB ID 3PTE and 1B1U, cyan) ... These interactions are utilized in protein structure prediction and protein design. ... structural topology and function through evolution. Experimental techniques, such as ...