We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.
This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.
Structure | Year released | #citations |
3GMT | 2009 | 9 |
3GNN | 2009 | 1 |
3GNQ | 2009 | 0 |
3GP3 | 2009 | 2 |
3GP5 | 2009 | 7 |
3GQT | 2009 | 4 |
3GRP | 2009 | 9 |
3GTD | 2009 | 8 |
3GVC | 2009 | 1 |
3GVF | 2009 | 3 |
# | PDB | Additional SSGCID structures cited | Link | Title | Year | Citation | Highlighted abstract |
1 | 3cez | 3cxk | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002228360901095X | Methionine sulfoxide reductase B displays a high level of flexibility | 2009 | FM Ranaivoson, F Neiers, B Kauffmann? - Journal of molecular Biology, 2009 - Elsevier | ... View thumbnail images View high quality image (983K). Two X-ray structures of MsrB from Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID 1L1D 12 ] and Burkhodelia pseudomallei (PDB IDs 3CXK and 3CEZ; unpublished results) have been determined so far. ... |
2 | 3cez | 3cxk | https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/ars.2020.8037 | Structure and Electron-transfer Pathway of the Human Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase MsrB3 | 2020 | G Javitt, Z Cao, E Resnick, R Gabizon- and Redox Signaling, 2020 - liebertpub.com | MsrB3 molecules per asymmetric unit. The structure was solved by molecular replacement using a bacterial MsrB protein ( PDB code 3CEZ ) with high sequence identity to human MsrB3 (74 of 119 residues, or 62%) (6). Though the amino-terminal segment containing |
3 | 3cez | - | http://scholar.google.com/https://etd.ohiolink.edu/!etd.send_file?accession=wrig... | Understanding the Molecular Dynamics of YPEL3 and FHIT Gene Expression | 2010 | KD KELLEY - 2010 - etd.ohiolink.edu | ... protein structure may also aid in understanding the molecular events involved in theinduction and maintenance of premature senescence. Identifying structural homologybetween a predicted model of YPEL3 and other known structures may ... |
4 | 3cez | - | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2009.06680.x/full | Structural and kinetic analysis of an MsrA-MsrB fusion protein from Streptococcus pneumoniae | 2009 | YK Kim, YJ Shin, WH Lee, HY Kim? - Molecular Microbiology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library | ... The Protein Data Bank accession codes for other Msr proteins discussed in this article are as follows: BtMsrA (1FVA), EcMsrA (1FF3), MtMsrA (1NWA), NmMsrA (3BQE, 3BQF, 3BQH), PtMsrA (2J89), BsMsrB (1XM0), BpMsrB (3CEZ, 3CXK) and NgMsrB (1L1D). Kinetic assays. ... |
5 | 3cez | - | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891584920311321 | On the functionality of a methionine sulfoxide reductase B from Trypanosoma cruzi | 2020 | DG Arias, MS Cabeza, ML Echarren- Free Radical Biology, 2020 - Elsevier | These enzymes can reduce specifically one or another of the isomers of MetSO (free and protein-bound). This redox modification could change the structure and function of many proteins, either concerned in redox or other metabolic pathways ... Models were based on the resolved structure of MSRB from Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (PDB 2K8D), Burkholderia pseudomallei (PDB 3CEZ), and Xanthomonas campestris (PDB 3HCI). |
6 | 3cez | - | http://www.springerlink.com/index/E032J772125W08T2.pdf | 1 H, 13 C and 15 N resonance assignment of a zinc-binding methionine sulfoxide reductase type-B from the thermophilic archeabacterium Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus | 2010 | M Carella, O Ohlenschl?ger, R Ramachandran? - Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 2010 - Springer | ... 2) as predicted from chemical shifts by using TALOS+ (Shen et al. 2009) are in close agreement with the ones present in other known MSRB structures (eg PDB 3HCJ, 3CEZ, 1L1D). The 13Ca and 13Cb chemical shifts suggested (Kornhaber et al. ... |
7 | 3cxk | - | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570963920302223 | Functional characterization of methionine sulfoxide reductases from Leptospira interrogans | 2020 | N Sasoni, MD Hartman, SA Guerrero- et Biophysica Acta (BBA, 2020 - Elsevier | The Met oxidation could change the structure and function of many proteins, not only of those redox-related but also of others involved in different metabolic pathways. Until now, there is no information about the presence or function of Msrs enzymes in Leptospira interrogans |
8 | 3cxk | - | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378111912014242 | Methionine sulfoxide reduction in ciliates: Characterization of the ready-to-use methionine sulfoxide-< i> R</i>-reductase genes in< i> Euplotes</i> | 2013 | N Dobri, EEN Oumarou, C Alimenti, C Ortenzi? - Gene, 2012 - Elsevier | ... The crystallographic structure of the Burkholderia pseudomallei MsrB (PDB ID: 3cxk) was automatically selected by the server as a template since it shows an amino acid sequence identity of 53% and 56% with the MsrB protein of E. raikovi and E. nobilii, respectively. ... |
9 | 3cxk | - | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pmic.201300357/full | Unraveling the specificities of the different human methionine sulfoxide reductases | 2014 | E Vandermarliere, B Ghesquire, V Jonckheere - , 2014 - Wiley Online Library | ... In a first step, all human protein structures determined by X-ray crystallography were retrieved from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) [30]. ... With the aid of a BLAST search [33] against the PDB, the possible templates were shortlisted and PDB-entry 3CXK [34] was chosen as a ... |
10 | 3d53 | - | http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/30278 | Estudos teóricos e estruturais para o desenvolvimento e síntese de aza-açúcares com atividade melhorada contra a Golgi α-manosidase II | 2014 | BPAC Pinto - 2014 - repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt | ... Ao todo realizaram-se simulações de dinâmica molecular de 9 complexos GMII-ligando com os códigos PDB: 1HXK,2F1A,2OW6,3BLB,3DX4,3DDF,3D53,3EJU,3D4Y ... |