Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3k2h 3nrr, 3kgb Antifolate agents: a patent review (2006-2010) 2011 DL Wright, AC Anderson - Expert opinion on therapeutic patents, 2011 - ... Also reported for the first time in 2010 by the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease is the structure of DHFR-TS from Babesia bovis bound to NADP, dUMP and pemetrexed (PDB ID: 3K2H) or raltitrexed (PDB ID: 3NRR). ...
2 3kw3 - The crystal structure of alanine racemase from Streptococcus pneumoniae, a target for structure-based drug design 2011 H Im, ML Sharpe, U Strych, M Davlieva? - BMC Microbiology, 2011 - ... of this enzyme from a further six microorganisms have been deposited in the PDB: Bartonella henselae (PDB ID 3KW3), Oenococcus oeni ... are listed in Table 1. Structure factors and final atomic coordinates for AlrSP have been deposited in the Protein Databank (PDB ID: 3S46). ...
3 3hwk - Crystal structure of< i> Salmonella typhimurium</i> 2-methylcitrate synthase: Insights on domain movement and substrate specificity 2011 S Chittori, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy - Journal of Structural Biology, 2011 - Elsevier ... In contrast, structural comparison of StPrpC with Mycobacterium tuberculosis GltA1 (MtGltA1; PDB: 3HWK; unpublished results) and Pyrococcus furiosus CS (PfGltA; type-I CS with shorter N-terminal) showed significant similarity in the core structure as well as in the flanking C-terminal extension...
4 3qbp 3qh8 Protein surface characterization using an invariant descriptor 2011 ZA Deeb, DA Adjeroh, BH Jiang - Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2011 - ... 1. Introduction The Protein Data Bank ( (PDB) currently has more than 3000 protein struc- tures classified as uncharacterized or as proteins of unknown function. This is about 5% of the total structures in PDB. ...
5 3oec - Biochemical Studies and Ligand-bound Structures of Biphenyl Dehydrogenase from Pandoraea pnomenusa Strain B-356 Reveal a Basis for Broad Specificity of the Enzyme 2011 S Dhindwal, DN Patil, M Mohammadi? - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011 - ASBMB ... PDB code 1BDB and BphB B-356 are shown in black color, and other structures are shown in light colors. These PDB codes are: 2HQ1, 3OEC, 3PKO, 2UVD, 2PNF, 2WSB, 1YDE, 2WDZ, 1HDC, and 1NFR. Reactivity of BphB B-356 with Polychlorinated Biphenyls. ...
6 3moy - Fast and accurate computation schemes for evaluating vibrational entropy of proteins 2011 B Xu, H Shen, X Zhu, G Li - Journal of computational chemistry, 2011 - Wiley Online Library ... PDB id, Protein length, Standard NMA (kcal mol ?1 K ?1 ), Scaled BNM (kcal mol ?1 K ?1 ), Scaled GNM (kcal mol ?1 K ?1 ), Scaled ANM (kcal mol ?1 K ?1 ). 1al3, 324, 8.462, 8.405, 8.466, 8.818. ... 3m73, 314, 10.930, 10.912, 11.027, 10.248. 3moy, 263, 9.020, 9.108, 9.183, 9.171. ...
7 3quv - INSILICO CHARACTERIZATION OF TRANSFER RNA (M G37) METHYLTRANSFERASE IN BACTERIA, ARCHAEA AND EUKARYOTA 2011 T Srinivasan, D Sudarsanam - ... TrmD, aTrm5 and eTrm5 protein was modeled based on the 3QUV-B, 2ZZN-A, and PYX1Ain respectively. ... eTrm5 three dimensional structure is not available in PDB that has distinctlystructural topology to bacterial TrmD. 4. DISCUSSION ...
8 3ftp 3lls, 3grp Crystal structure of FabG4 from< i> Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> reveals the importance of C-terminal residues in ketoreductase activity 2011 D Dutta, S Bhattacharyya, S Mukherjee, B Saha? - Journal of Structural Biology, 2011 - Elsevier ... to 356 (loop II), and 395 to 417. Domain II is the catalytic domain and share highest sequence homology with Burkholderia Pseudomallei FabG (PDB: 3FTP, 42% in 248 residues overlap). The active site, deep-seated into the ...
9 3iml 3n58 Identification and Characterization of the Chlamydia trachomatis L2 S-Adenosylmethionine Transporter 2011 R Binet, RE Fernandez, DJ Fisher, AT Maurelli - mBio, 2011 - Am Soc Microbiol ... The alignment was generated using the Tcoffee expresso Web server using Arabidopsis thaliana MAT1 sequence (P23686) and the tertiary sequence of rat MAT1 (PDB ID 1O9T), E. coli MAT (PDB ID 1XRC) and Burkholderia pseudomallei MAT (PDB ID 3IML). ...
10 3emk - The Crystal Structure of l-Sorbose Reductase from< i> Gluconobacter frateurii</i> Complexed with NADPH and l-Sorbose 2011 K Kubota, K Nagata, M Okai, K Miyazono? - Journal of molecular Biology, 2011 - Elsevier ... Appendix A. ... Strictly conserved residues among the proteins are shown with a red background. Protein names are shown as PDB accession numbers: 2HQ1, glucose/ribitol dehydrogenase from Clostridium thermocellum; 3EMK, glucose/ribitol dehydrogenase from Brucella melitensis; ...