Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 5ts2 3pxu Phosphopantetheine Adenylyltransferase: A promising drug target to combat antibiotic resistance 2020 A Gupta, P Sharma, TP Singh, S Sharma- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2020 - Elsevier Although, the DPCK domain of the human fusion protein shows high sequence and structural homology to bacterial DPCK The PDB IDs of the structure , percentage sequence identities and rms deviations for the C atoms are also indicated ... The structures of complexes of PPAT with dPCoA from several bacterial species have been determined so far and include EcPPAT (PDB ID: 1B6T), MtPPAT (PDB ID: 3RBA), BpPPAT (PDB ID: 3PXU), MaPPAT (PDB ID: 5O08), PaPPAT (PDB ID: 5TS2) and AbPPAT (PDB ID: 5ZZC
2 2lwk - Supporting Information for Occurrences of protonated base triples in RNA are determined by their cooperative binding energies and specific functional 2021 A Halder, A Jhunjhunwala, D Bhattacharyya, A Mitra - Figure S1: Context of occurrences of G(CC) H:+ Trans/W:W Cis triple (System 2). 2D representation of (A) the 5S rRNA, (B) Domain III of 25S rRNA of S. cerevisiae and (C) HDV ribozyme are shown and the structural motifs that contain (G) 3D structure of the PDB : 3KIR Chain: A
3 3pgz 3lgj MODIFIED HELICASES 2015 A Heron, J Clarke, R Moysey… - US Patent …, 2015 - ... In order to assess whether a suitable protein structure exists to use as a “template” to build aprotein model, a search is performed on the protein data bank (PDB) database. ... The sequencealignment and template structure are then used to produce a structural model of the ...
4 3pgz 3lgj ENZYME CONSTRUCT 2015 A Heron, J Clarke, R Moysey… - US Patent …, 2015 - ... In order to assess whether a suitable protein structure exists to use as a “template” to build aprotein model, a search is performed on the protein data bank (PDB) database. ... The sequencealignment and template structure are then used to produce a structural model of the ...
5 4f2n - Antileismanial activity, mechanism of action study and molecular docking of 1, 4bis (substituted benzalhydrazino) phthalazines 2019 AH Romero, N Rodrguez, H Oviedo- Archiv der, 2019 - Wiley Online Library candidate for further pharmacokinetic and in vivo experiments as antileishmanial agent, and as a platform for further structural optimization ... Representation of molecular docking of 1,4‐bis‐(substituted benzalhydrazino) phthalazine 3b on the superoxidedismutase active sites of Leishmania major (PDB code: 4F2N)
6 6ws6 - Insights into Innate Immune Response Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection 2021 A Huanu, AM Georgescu, AV Andrejkovits- Revista Romn de, 2021 - The NET structure made by activated neutrophils and mediated by reactive oxygen species bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), flagella, cilia, bacterial unmethylated DNA, or viral structures like dsARN or In addition, sev- eral structural and non- structural SARS-CoV-2 proteins
7 4pq9 - A subfamily roadmap for functional glycogenomics of the evolutionarily diverse Glycoside Hydrolase Family 16 (GH16) 2019 AH Viborg, N Terrapon, V Lombard, G Michel- Journal of Biological, 2019 - ASBMB by the presence of numerous helical elements on the core -jelly-roll fold, two in the N-terminal region and four in the C- terminal region, most of which are located on the opposite side of the structure from the active A tryptophan (W154 in PDB ID 4PQ9 (unpublished)) present
8 5eo6 - A molecular, structural, and cellular multiple-level study aimed at understanding the unique reaction catalyzed by the last enzyme in the heme-biosynthesis pathway of 2018 AI Celis Luna - 2018 - Overlay of the structures of a representative heme b-bound chlorite dismutase and solvent This research aimed to understand ChdC function at the molecular, structural , and cellular levels The coproheme-bound ChdC structure revealed a helical-loop that is flexible and moves
9 5eo6 - A Molecular, Structural, and Cellular Multiple-Level Study Aimed at Understanding the Unique Reaction Catalyzed by the Last Enzyme in the Heme-Biosynthesis 2018 AIC Luna - 2018 - Overlay of the structures of a representative heme b-bound chlorite dismutase and solvent This research aimed to understand ChdC function at the molecular, structural , and cellular levels The coproheme-bound ChdC structure revealed a helical-loop that is flexible and moves
10 6tys 7ki6, 7ki4 Structure and antigenicity of divergent Henipavirus fusion glycoproteins 2023 A Isaacs, YS Low, KL Macauslane, J Seitanidou- Nature, 2023 - -EM structures from this work also display clear fusion peptide loop densities, which were only previously seen in structures determined by X-ray crystallography for NiV F ( PDB 5EVM &