Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 4fky - The antigenic evolution of human influenza A haemagglutinin 2013 WD Lees - 2013 - ... indicative results much more quickly than laboratory assays; - The use of large bodies ofsequence data in combination with structural information in ... 1.1 Influenza Structure InfluenzaA is an enveloped negative-sense RNA virus (Figure 1.1). It has two surface ...
2 3uf8 - AIDA: ab initio domain assembly for automated multi-domain protein structure prediction and domain–domain interaction prediction 2015 D Xu, L Jaroszewski, Z Li, A Godzik - Bioinformatics, 2015 - Oxford Univ Press ... the first domain in SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PDB ID 3uf8, chain A ... For example, the linker between the two domains in scFv-IL-1B complex (PDB ID 2kh2 ... for assembly of independently determined domains than for domains extracted from the structure of the ...
3 3k2h - Global optimization-based inference of chemogenomic features from drug–target interactions 2015 S Zu, T Chen, S Li - Bioinformatics, 2015 - Oxford Univ Press ... In recent years, several non-structure-based methods, which are not limited by the structureinformation have been developed, along the ... Examples of the substructure-domain interactionsvalidated from the PDB database: (A) PDB entry 1u70, (B) PDB entry 3k2h, (C) PDB ...
4 4fur - Tally: a scoring tool for boundary determination between repetitive and non-repetitive protein sequences 2016 FD Richard, R Alves, AV Kajava - Bioinformatics, 2016 - Oxford Univ Press ... Examples of proteins where TRs found in sequence either correspond to (A) presence (PDBcode 3VN3 (Kondo et al., 2011)) or (B) absence (4FUR) of TRs ... both in sequence and in structure(TR-SS) and 'false' TRs only found in sequence but not in the structure (TR-SNS ...
5 6w7x - Biochemical Characterization and Structural Analysis of N-acetylornithine Transaminase from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 2021 F BAI, Z LI, X WANG, Z HU, L BAO- Biotechnology, 2021 - PLP PLP slr1022, 2E54, 6W7X , 2EH6 and SWISS- MODEL N- PDB ID 2E54 A: Cartoon structure of Slr1022
6 3r20 - Resistance related metabolic pathways for drug target identification in Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2016 R Cloete, E Oppon, E Murungi - BMC , 2016 - bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral. ... Abbreviations used: NUI- Not under investigation, PDB- Protein Data Bank, TBSGC- TB StructuralGenome ... without 3R20 used as a template while the red model consist of 3R20 used as ... EM assistedwith modelling of the protein structure and WS visually inspected the quality of ...
7 3enk - Molecular modeling of the reductase domain to elucidate the reaction mechanism of reduction of peptidyl thioester into its corresponding alcohol in non- 2010 B Manavalan, SK Murugapiran - BMC structural , 2010 - ... The structure of the VR (PDB code 2p4h; 310 residues) and a dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase(PDB code 1r6d; 322 residues) showed ... In addition, we used 2p4h as the baseline point andsuperimposed it onto the PDB structures listed in Table 1. The root-mean-square ... 3enk. ...
8 3gvg - How proteins work 2011 M Williamson - 2011 - ... in structure motifs 24 Membrane proteins are different from globular proteins 29 The structureofa protein is (more or less) determined by its sequence 31 Some proteins form metastablestructures 32 Structure is conserved more than sequence 33 Structural homology can be ...
9 3pme - Double Receptor Anchorage of Botulinum Neurotoxins Accounts for their Exquisite Neurospecificity 2013 A Rummel - Botulinum Neurotoxins, 2013 - ... Structural analysis of HCCD (3PME. pdb) exhibits a sialic acid binding site consisting of W1242, R1243 and F1244 homologous to that of BoNT/D. In conclusion, BoNT/A, B, E, F and G harbour a single GBS made up of the conserved amino acid motif E (Q) H (K) SXWY G ...
10 4ffc - Polyamines in Fungi: Their Distribution, Metabolism, and Role in Cell Differentiation and Morphogenesis 2015 L Valds-Santiago, J Ruiz-Herrera - 2015 - ... of Polyamines.....5 2.1 Introduction.....5 2.2 Chemical Structure and Physicochemical ... of theInteractions of Polyamines with Cell Macromolecules and Structures..... ...