Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3eg4 - Tetrahydrodipicolinate N-Succinyltransferase and Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Structure Analysis and Gene Deletion 2012 R Schnell, W Oehlmann, T Sandalova, Y Braun? - PloS one, 2012 - ... In addition, the coordinates for DapD from Campylobacter jejuni (2RIJ), Enterococcus feacalis (3CJ8), Brucella melitensis (3EG4), and Yersinia ... model of the trimer of the putative tetrahydropyridine-2-carboxylate N-succinyltransferase from Campylobacter jejuni (PDB code ...
2 3sds - New Insight into the Transcarbamylase Family: The Structure of Putrescine Transcarbamylase, a Key Catalyst for Fermentative Utilization of Agmatine 2012 LM Polo, F Gil-Ortiz, A Cant?n, V Rubio - PloS one, 2012 - ... the closest structures to that of the PTC subunit those of the subunits of pfOTC, Thermotoga maritima OTC (tmOTC) and hOTC, (Protein Databank files 1PVV ... PDB files are the following for OTCs: human, 1OTH; Ovis aries, 1FB5; Coccidioides immitis, 3SDS; P. furiosus1PVV ...
3 3pgz - Crystal Structure of a Monomeric Thiolase-Like Protein Type 1 (TLP1) from Mycobacterium smegmatis 2012 N Janardan, RK Harijan, RK Wierenga, MRN Murthy - PloS one, 2012 - ... DALI search using this domain against the PDB shows structural similarities to a molybdenum binding protein (PDB id: 1H9K) [20] and a single strand DNA binding protein (PDB id: 3PGZ) (Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease; Unpublished). ...
4 3qi6 - Comparative Genomics Analysis of Mycobacterium ulcerans for the Identification of Putative Essential Genes and Therapeutic Candidates 2012 AM Butt, I Nasrullah, S Tahir, Y Tong - PloS one, 2012 - ... Experimentally and computationally solved 3D structures were detected by searching the Protein Data Bank (PDB) ( [33] and ModBase ( [34] databases, respectively. Druggability. ...
5 3u40 - Insights into Phosphate Cooperativity and Influence of Substrate Modifications on Binding and Catalysis of Hexameric Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylases 2012 PO de Giuseppe, NH Martins, AN Meza? - PloS one, 2012 - ... Structural superposition of BsPNP233-Ado (magenta carbon atoms), B. cereus adenosine phosphorylase (BcAdoP)-Ado-SO 4 (green carbon atoms, PDB code 3UAW [52]) and Entamoeba histolytica PNP-Ado (cyan carbon atoms, PDB code 3U40 [55]) complexes. ...
6 3i0p - Structural and Functional Insights into (S)-Ureidoglycolate Dehydrogenase, a Metabolic Branch Point Enzyme in Nitrogen Utilization 2012 MI Kim, I Shin, S Cho, J Lee, S Rhee - PloS one, 2012 - ... structure of the apo form of AllD was solved by molecular replacement with a monomer of E. coli AllD (PDB code 1XRH ... horikoshii OT3 malate dehydrogenase (1V9N; Z-score, 41.1; rmsd, 1.6 ?), EMDH annotated as Entamoeba histolytica malate dehydrogenase (3I0P; Z-score ...
7 4ed9 - Function and X-Ray crystal structure of Escherichia coli YfdE 2013 EA Mullins, KL Sullivan, TJ Kappock - PloS one, 2013 - ... the same orientation as Figure 4B. PDB entries are 4hl6 (white), 4ed9 (dark blue), 1p5h (green) [69], 1pt7 (cyan) [24], 3ubm (orange) [25], 1*k7 (yellow) [70], 1*74 (magenta) [71], and 2g04 (pink) [72]. (B) ML phylogram of the ...
8 3fvb - Factors Controlling the Redox Potential of ZnCe6 in an Engineered Bacterioferritin Photochemical 'Reaction Centre' 2013 A Mahboob, S Vassiliev, PK Poddutoori, A van der Est? - PloS one, 2013 - ... In addition, this aminoacid is conserved among ferritins from several organisms (PDB ID: 2FKZ, 3E1M, 3IS8, 3FVB) suggesting that it serves to regulate heme potential. Replacing it with an aliphatic residue is expected to eliminate this negative effect. ...
9 3qat - A Hybrid NRPS-PKS Gene Cluster Related to the Bleomycin Family of Antitumor Antibiotics in Alteromonas macleodii Strains 2013 CM Mizuno, NE Kimes, M L?pez-P?rez, E Aus?? - PloS one, 2013 - ... All-vs-all comparisons of the cluster sequences were performed using BLAST. Structural alignment of known protein structures of 1MLA, 3QAT, 2JFD and bleomycin family acyltransferase domains was performed using the PROMALS3D web server [32]. Phylogenetic analysis. ...
10 3r2v - Extreme Evolutionary Conservation of Functionally Important Regions in H1N1 Influenza Proteome 2013 S Warren, XF Wan, G Conant, D Korkin - PloS one, 2013 - ...Table 3. Coverage and sequential similarity of protein templates. Template Template subtype Template similarity, % Residues covered 3R2V (A) H3N2 93 538-720