Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 6tz8 - Natural product ligands of FKBP12: Immunosuppressive antifungal agents FK506, rapamycin, and beyond 2023 A Rivera, J Heitman- PLoS pathogens, 2023 - adapted from Harnessing calcineurin-FK506-FKBP12 crystal structures from invasive fungal pathogens to develop antifungal agents ( PDB 6TZ8 ) [3]. The original figure was published
2 3urr - All dacs in a row: domain architectures of bacterial and archaeal diadenylate cyclases 2023 MY Galperin- Journal of Bacteriology, 2023 - Am Soc Microbiol The search of the AlphaFold-predicted structure of DACNG using Dali (90) does not show any closely related structures in the PDB . This domain can also be found in a stand-alone ... PTS_EIIA_2 PF00359 139 3URR
3 3tcq - Cheminformatics-Based Study Identifies Potential Ebola VP40 Inhibitors 2023 E Broni, C Ashley, J Adams, H Manu, E Aikins- International Journal of, 2023 - Modeller generated five models using the 3D structures of 3TCQ and 7K5L as templates. structure of the VP40 with PDB ID 1ES6 as the parent template for modelling. 1ES6s structure
4 5u9p - Synthesis, crystallographic and spectroscopic investigation, chemical reactivity, hyperpolarizabilities and in silico molecular docking study of (Z)-2N-(tert 2023 FZ Boudjenane, F Triki-Baara, N Boukabcha- of Molecular Structure, 2023 - Elsevier In Table 9, binding affinities for various poses in the 5U9P inhibitor of the investigated ligand between the molecule and the residues of the proteins 5U9P , 4HP8, 4Z9X, 1VL8, 4IBO and
5 5koi - The Alternating Access Mechanism in Mammalian Multidrug Resistance Transporters and Their Bacterial Homologs 2023 SA Badiee, UH Isu, E Khodadadi, M Moradi- Membranes, 2023 - By exploring the structural and functional features of PDB files for each protein by resolution, starting with higher-resolution structures and progressing to lower-resolution structures Table 1. Available PDB files for MRP1, Pgp, Sav1866, and MsbA transporter proteins. ... 5KOI [59] 3.85 Å X-ray
6 5br9 - Protein target highlights in CASP15: Analysis of models by structure providers 2023 LT Alexander, J Durairaj- Proteins: Structure, 2023 - Wiley Online Library structures superimposed on Ferrichrome-bound FhuA ( PDB ( PDB 1QFG, salmon) and FhuA from the target ( PDB 8B14, Red star: first resolved N-terminus of the different structures ... Structure of A. aeolicus TsaB. (A) The overlaid crystal structures of E. coli TsaB (PDB: 4YDU), T. maritima TsaB (PDB: 6N9A), S. typhimurium TsaB (PDB: 3ZET), P. s aeruginosa (PDB: 5BR9)
7 5woq - Small protein modules dictate prophage fates during polylysogeny 2023 JE Silpe, OP Duddy, GE Johnson, GA Beggs- Nature, 2023 - Structural predictions and homologues predicted by the DALI server were aligned and... (b) Structural alignment of TF72 (brown) and TF63 (blue) as monomers with the highest scoring homologs: C.AhdI (green), C.BcII (orange), C.Esp1396I (pink), and ClgR (gray) (PDB ID: 1Y7Y, 2B5A, 3G5G, and 5WOQ, respectively).
8 4zju - Computational docking investigation of phytocompounds from bergamot essential oil against Serratia marcescens protease and FabI: Alternative pharmacological 2023 KB Lokhande, A Tiwari, S Gaikwad, S Kore- Biology and Chemistry, 2023 - Elsevier Also, the binding cavity information of the FabI model was taken from the template structure PDB ID: 4ZJU complexes with NAD crystal ligand and the binding cavity of the FabI model
9 5upg 6cax Small molecule LpxC inhibitors against gram-negative bacteria: Advances and future perspectives 2023 Z Niu, P Lei, Y Wang, J Wang, J Yang- European Journal of, 2023 - Elsevier -diphosphate ( PDB code: 2IER); (C) Crystal structure of the E. coli LpxC/LPC-009 complex ( PDB code: 3P3G); (D) Co-crystal structure of LpxC-3 aeruginosa LpxC ( PDB code: 3UHM).
10 4ywj 5bnt, 6bac, 6amy, 5ha4, 6amz, 7skb The coordinated action of the enzymes in the L-lysine biosynthetic pathway and how to inhibit it for antibiotic targets 2023 S Muduli, S Karmakar, S Mishra- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), 2023 - Elsevier (a) The trimeric structure of the CgDapD enzyme ( PDB ID: 5E3P). Two monomers are shown in (b) The crystal structure of the CgDapD enzyme in monomeric form ( PDB ID: 5E3Q),