Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

SSGCID structures

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Results: 656

Structure PDB Target Annotation Organism Community Deposited Structure type Ligands
thumbnail of PDB structure 4PCA 4PCA AnphA.01233.a O-methyltransferase family protein Anaplasma phagocytophilum request 04/14/2014 XRay S-adenosyl-homocysteine;
thumbnail of PDB structure 4PCL 4PCL AnphA.01233.a O-methyltransferase family protein Anaplasma phagocytophilum request 04/15/2014 XRay S-Adenosyl-Methionine;
thumbnail of PDB structure 7KDN 7KDN AsfuA.00629.a Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (EC Aspergillus fumigatus request 10/09/2020 XRay Adenosine 5' propylphosphate;
thumbnail of PDB structure 7U0U 7U0U AsfuA.18272.a FK506-binding protein 1A (FKBP) (EC (Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase) (PPIase) (Rapamycin-binding protein) Aspergillus fumigatus request 02/18/2022 XRay FK-506;
thumbnail of PDB structure 7U0S 7U0S AsfuA.18272.a FK506-binding protein 1A (FKBP) (EC (Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase) (PPIase) (Rapamycin-binding protein) Aspergillus fumigatus request 02/18/2022 XRay FK-520;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3I3R 3I3R BaboA.01191.a Dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase Babesia bovis request 06/30/2009 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3K2H 3K2H BaboA.01191.a Dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase Babesia bovis request 09/30/2009 XRay dUMP;NADP;Pemetrexed (ly231514);
thumbnail of PDB structure 3KJR 3KJR BaboA.01191.a Dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase Babesia bovis request 11/03/2009 XRay NADP;N-cyclohexyltaurine (CHES);
thumbnail of PDB structure 3NRR 3NRR BaboA.01191.a Dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase Babesia bovis request 06/30/2010 XRay dUMP;NADP;Raltitrexed (zd1694);
thumbnail of PDB structure 4YET 4YET BaboA.01199.a superoxide dismutase Babesia bovis request 02/24/2015 XRay iron;
thumbnail of PDB structure 6VZZ 6VZZ BamaA.19900.a Glucokinase Balamuthia mandrillaris request 02/28/2020 XRay glucose;
thumbnail of PDB structure 7L6S 7L6S BamaA.19955.b DNA topoisomerase II Balamuthia mandrillaris request 12/23/2020 XRay magnesium;AMP-PNP;
thumbnail of PDB structure 4JF8 4JF8 BabiA.18388.a TrwG component of type IV secretion system (Trw type IV secretion machinery) Bartonella birtlesii request 02/27/2013 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 6DEG 6DEG BabiA.17987.a DNA polymerase III subunit beta (EC Bartonella birtlesii request 05/11/2018 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 6PTR 6PTR BabiA.17987.a DNA polymerase III subunit beta (EC Bartonella birtlesii request 07/16/2019 XRay Griselimycin;
thumbnail of PDB structure 4NPS 4NPS BaclA.17330.g Bep1 protein (VirB-translocated Bartonella effector protein) Bartonella clarridgeiae request 11/22/2013 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 4XI8 4XI8 BaclA.17330.o Bep5 protein (VirB-translocated Bartonella effector protein) Bartonella clarridgeiae request 01/06/2015 XRay ethylene glycol;
thumbnail of PDB structure 4YK2 4YK2 BaclA.17330.i Bep9 protein (VirB-translocated Bartonella effector protein) Bartonella clarridgeiae request 03/03/2015 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 4KZ1 4KZ1 BagrA.18388.a VirB8 protein (VirB type IV secretion machinery) Bartonella grahamii request 05/29/2013 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 4NHF 4NHF BagrA.18388.b TrwG protein (Trw type IV secretion machinery) Bartonella grahamii request 11/04/2013 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3QAT 3QAT BaheA.00141.a acyl-carrier-protein S-malonyltransferase Bartonella henselae request 01/11/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3RMI 3RMI BaheA.00146.a Chorismate mutase Bartonella henselae request 04/20/2011 XRay malic acid;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3SI9 3SI9 BaheA.01563.a Dihydrodipicolinate synthase Bartonella henselae request 06/17/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 4LGO 4LGO BaquA.17833.b VompD Bartonella quintana request 06/28/2013 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 4LSO 4LSO BaquA.18388.b Type IV secretion system protein virB8 (VirB type IV secretion machinery) Bartonella quintana request 07/22/2013 XRay