Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

SSGCID structures

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Results: 661

Structure PDB Target Annotation Organism Community Deposited Structure type Ligands
thumbnail of PDB structure 3LR5 3LR5 BupsA.00863.i Sensor protein (EC (risS histidine kinase) Burkholderia pseudomallei request 02/10/2010 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3NRR 3NRR BaboA.01191.a Dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase Babesia bovis request 06/30/2010 XRay dUMP;NADP;Raltitrexed (zd1694);
thumbnail of PDB structure 3OA1 3OA1 LyraA.17086.a Phosphoprotein (Protein P) (Protein M1) Lyssavirus Rabies virus request 08/04/2010 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3OBK 3OBK TogoA.17087.a delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase Toxoplasma gondii request 08/06/2010 XRay porphobilinogen;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3PME 3PME ClboA.17807.a Botulinum C/D mosaic neurotoxin (BoNT/C-D) Clostridium botulinum request 11/16/2010 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3QAT 3QAT BaheA.00141.a acyl-carrier-protein S-malonyltransferase Bartonella henselae request 01/11/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3R2V 3R2V InvaB.07055.c Polymerase basic protein 2 Influenzavirus A influenza A virus request 03/14/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3RMI 3RMI BaheA.00146.a Chorismate mutase Bartonella henselae request 04/20/2011 XRay malic acid;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3S6L 3S6L BupsA.01663.c Hep_Hag family Burkholderia pseudomallei request 05/25/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3SI9 3SI9 BaheA.01563.a Dihydrodipicolinate synthase Bartonella henselae request 06/17/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3SIA 3SIA EnhiA.01648.a URE3-BP sequence specific DNA binding protein Entamoeba histolytica request 06/17/2011 XRay calcium ion;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3SIB 3SIB EnhiA.01648.a URE3-BP sequence specific DNA binding protein Entamoeba histolytica request 06/17/2011 XRay calcium ion;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3SJS 3SJS EnhiA.01648.a URE3-BP sequence specific DNA binding protein Entamoeba histolytica request 06/21/2011 XRay calcium ion;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3STH 3STH TogoA.00914.a Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC Toxoplasma gondii request 07/10/2011 XRay NAD;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3T1D 3T1D HosaA.18070.a Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin Homo sapiens request 07/21/2011 XRay enterobactin;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3TCQ 3TCQ EbsuA.17247.a Matrix protein VP40 Ebolavirus Sudan ebolavirus request 08/09/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3TE8 3TE8 BupsA.00863.i Sensor protein (EC (risS histidine kinase) Burkholderia pseudomallei request 08/12/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3TF6 3TF6 HosaA.18070.a Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin Homo sapiens request 08/15/2011 XRay europium;tren(CAM)(1,2-HOPO)2;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3TXY 3TXY ButhA.17871.a Isochorismatase family protein family (BTH_II2229) Burkholderia thailandensis request 09/23/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3TZS 3TZS HosaA.18070.a Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin Homo sapiens request 09/27/2011 XRay phenylurea;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3U0D 3U0D HosaA.18070.a Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin Homo sapiens request 09/28/2011 XRay 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3U7J 3U7J ButhA.00944.a Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A (EC (Phosphoriboisomerase A) (BTH_I2516) (rpiA) Burkholderia thailandensis request 10/13/2011 XRay ethylene glycol;sulfate;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3UE9 3UE9 ButhA.00888.a Adenylosuccinate synthetase (AMPSase) (AdSS) (EC (IMP--aspartate ligase) (BTH_I2245) (purA) Burkholderia thailandensis request 10/28/2011 XRay
thumbnail of PDB structure 3UJH 3UJH TogoA.17127.a Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC Toxoplasma gondii request 11/07/2011 XRay glucose-6-phosphate;
thumbnail of PDB structure 3UK1 3UK1 ButhA.01294.a Transketolase (EC (BTH_I1195) (tkt) Burkholderia thailandensis request 11/08/2011 XRay