Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3ek1 4o5h Cell-Free Enabled Bioproduction and Biological Discovery 2020 DC Garcia - 2020 - The combined use of bioinformatic software and structural data has crystal structures or computationally modeled structures to further cull the listed Enzymatic steps are written above the colored arrows and names of ligands and products underneath their molecular structure
2 4ed9 - Overexpression and Purification of the Protein BaiK for Structural Characterization by X-Ray Crystallography 2020 S Khuu - 2020 - Initially , BaiK was overexpressed to produce large quantity of protein for use in structural and structure being very similar to histidine while also being added at a high concentration. 11 formation of more ordered crystal structures . The effective concentration of the protein
3 2mj3 - Understanding and modulating electron transfer through ferredoxins 2020 I Campbell - 2020 - 3.6. Cyanophage Fd structural characterization ..... 79 This bioinformatic study highlights understudied PECs whose structure , stability, and partner specificity should be further characterized... 1UWM, 1PDX, 1M2D, 1I7H, 3AH7, 2MJD, 2MJ3, 2Y5C, 5FFI, 3P1M, 1E0Z, 1DOI
4 3grk 4j07, 3tzq, 4eit, 3s55 Crosslinked helix dimers as versatile scaffolds for mimicking topologically complex epitopes 2018 MG Wuo - 2018 - 1 1.2 Surface architecture variation among PPIs affect ligandability ..... 3 aliphatic core but lacks any heptad repeat structure and knob/hole packing orientation. ( PDB Codes: 1LLM, 1TMX, 3V3E) .... 57
5 4ohc - Orotato fosforribosiltransferasa. Pasado, presente y futuro en el estudio estructural de las protenas. 2020 L Gonzlez-Segura, EI Carrizosa-Carbajal - Past, present and future in the structural study of proteins Key words: Phosphoribosyltransferase; three- dimensional structure ; conformational change; inhibition; pyrimidines synthesis str (PDBs 3M3H y 4RV4), de Burkholderia cenocepacia ( PDB 4OHC ), de Corynebacterium
6 5VOG - Structural analysis of (p) ppGpp reveals its versatile binding pattern for diverse types of target proteins 2020 GS Kushwaha, A Patra, NS Bhavesh- Frontiers in microbiology, 2020 - Although, glycosidic bond and ribose sugar in the nucleotide structure exhibit conformational flexibility and classical molecular dynamics simulation on nucleotides is S.No, Macromolecule Name, Resolution (), PDB ID 14, Putative phosphoribosyltransferase, 1.50, 5VOG
7 3tde 3s82, 3rv2 Synthesis of non-natural cofactor analogs of S-adenosyl-L-methionine using methionine adenosyltransferase 2018 J Thorson, T Huber, J Zhang, S Singh- US Patent 9,879,043, 2018 - marinum ( PDB code 3RV2), Mycobacterium avium ( PDB code 3S82), Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( PDB code 3TDE ), Rattus norvegicus [36 Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) ID:1RG9), hMAT2A ( PDB ID:2PO2) and hMAT1A ( PDB ID:2OBV) on the hMAT2A homodimeric structure
8 3p10 3mbm, 3q8h, 3qhd, 3p0z L-Tryptophan hydroxamic acid derivatives as Burkholderia pseudomallei IspF inhibitors 2017 CA Muller - 2017 - bank ( PDB ) file of the Burkholderia pseudomallei IspF crystal structure (3P0Z) was uploaded to AutoDock Tools. The water molecules were removed from the enzyme, as well as any co- crystallized structures (FOL955 and cytidine) and free ions (K+ and Cl-). This cleaned up
9 4qhq - Dveloppement d'un alphabet structural intgrant la flexibilit des structures protiques 2018 I Sekhi - 2018 - 84 4.2.2 Architecture du site web 2.5 Comparaison de temps d'excution de SAFlex- PDB avant et aprs optimisation ensemble de conformations gomtriques reprsentatif des fragments protiques, appels lettres structurales (LS) , et destines simplifier la structure 3D d
10 4f82 4f4a Investigating Imatinib-Resistant Mutations in Abl Kinase 2020 A Lyczek - 2020 - 10 *(52& Illustration of important structural features of imatini<