Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 4yk1 - High performance computing with coarse grained model of biological macromolecules 2018 EA Lubecka, AK Sieradzan, C Czaplewski- Supercomputing, 2018 - The source code in the UNRES package with Fortran 90 has the following directory structure : unres (main program modules, source NucB (110 residues, single chain, PDB code: 5OMT), BID domain of Bep6 (137 residues, single chain, PDB code: 4YK1 ), CDI complex
2 3ftp 4lfy Mechanistic and Functional Characterization of Lactonases of COG3618 in the Amidohydrolase Superfamily 2014 ME Hobbs - 2014 - ... -strands. Twenty years later, we have a deeper understanding of the structural, catalytic, andmechanistic diversity of this superfamily. ... octahedral geometry (Figure 1.1B). In the crystal structureof the Mn/Mn PTE the alpha Page 18. 6 ... (A) White (pdb code 1hzy) and light blue ...
3 4pq9 - Crystal structural basis for Rv0315, an immunostimulatory antigen and inactive beta-1, 3-glucanase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2015 W Dong, J Huang, Y Li, Y Tan, Z Shen, Y Song - Scientific , 2015 - ... was solved at a resolution of 1.7 by molecular replacement using the structure of-1,3-glucanase from Mycobacterium marinum (PDB code 4PQ9) as a ... Other than the differentsize of the cavity, the overall structure of Rv0315 was similar to that of ZgLamA GH16 (Fig. ...
4 4h51 - Structural basis for the relaxed substrate selectivity of Leishmania mexicana broad specificity aminotransferase 2015 J Wen, C Nowicki, W Blankenfeldt - Molecular and biochemical , 2015 - Elsevier ... The most similar structure, however, is that of a putative aspartate aminotransferasefrom Leishmania major Friedlin (LmajASAT, PDB entry 4H51 [16]), which was notavailable when we first determined the structure of LmexBSAT. ...
5 3sth - Deciphering the mechanism and function of stage-specific protein association with the membrane cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii 2017 R Dubey - 2017 - Crystal structure data of TgGAPDH1 Crystal structure data collection and refinement statistics of Toxoplasma GAPDH1, PDB code 3STH Crystallographic structures of the seven selected GAPDH proteins are solved and deposited in PDB . 62 Structure of TgGAPDH1 protein
6 3tv2 - Inside Cover: CONFECT: Conformations from an Expert Collection of Torsion Patterns (ChemMedChem 10/2013) 2013 C Sch?rfer, T Schulz-Gasch, J Hert? - ?, 2013 - Wiley Online Library ... frequency histograms (top left). One of the bioactive conformations of AMP is shown in the binding site of the protein from PDB complex 3TV2 (bottom right). For more details, see the Full Paper by Matthias Rarey et al. on p. 1690 ff. ...
7 4ix8 - Caracterizacin estructural y funcional de la tirosina aminotransferasa de leishmania infantum 2016 M Moreno Izquierdo - 2016 - ... Consequently the PLP-bonded structure of this enzyme was solved by X-raycrystallography at 2.35 of resolution. A comprehensive basis for the mechanismof the transamination in the active center allowed a structure-based ...
8 3tmg - Examination and reconstitution of the glycine betaine-dependent methanogenesis pathway from the obligate methylotrophic methanogen Methanolobus vulcani B1d 2020 AJ Creighbaum - 2020 - 18 Active site predictions of DhMtgB and MV8460 76 19 Predicted structural model of MV10350 compared to 78 (Hagemeier et al., 2006). No further crystal structure evidence is available to understand the mechanism of demethylation by MtsA or the enzymes responsible for
9 4lfy - Dihydroorotase from Bacillus anthracis and Staphylococcus aureus 2016 AJ Rice - 2016 - 2.1 Introduction Class II DHOase from E. coli has been studied at length, producing many apo and complex crystal structures (Table I). The structure revealed DHOase is a homodimer zinc metalloenzyme Organism PDB Ligand Modification Burkholderia cenocepacia 4LFY Apo
10 3py6 - Cation-PI Interactions in beta-Lactamases: The Role in Structural Stability 2012 P Lavanya, S Ramaiah, A Anbarasu - Cell biochemistry and biophysics, 2012 - Springer ... 3PY6-A K37?Y263 -5.33 -1.41 -6.74 K231?W228 -8.02 -1.66 -9.68 2G2W-A R266?F66 -1.62 -1.06 -2.71 R259?W290 -7.01 -4.74 -11.75 K34?W60 -2.81 -0.75 -3.56 Cell Biochem Biophys 123 Page 3. Table 1 continued PDB ID Cation?p interacting residues ...