Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 4kyx - Structural insights into the substrate recognition mechanism of Arabidopsis thaliana GPP-bound NUDX1 for noncanonical monoterpene biosynthesis 2017 J Liu, Z Guan, H Liu, L Qi, D Zhang, T Zou, P Yin- Molecular Plant, 2017 - Elsevier ... P2 2121, determined 52 the structure by molecular replacement based on the available coordinates (MutT, PDB : 53 4KYX ) and refined ... Furthermore, our findings provide new opportunities for structure -guided 156 enzyme engineering (Wurtzel and Kutchan, 2016) and the ...
2 3ngj - Rational engineering of 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolases for the biosynthesis of (R)-1, 3-butanediol 2020 T Kim, PJ Stogios, AN Khusnutdinova, K Nemr- Journal of Biological, 2020 - ASBMB DERA structures as the best matches, including the Entamoeba histolytica DeoC ( PDB code 3NGJ ; Z score RMSD, 0.6 ; 66% sequence identity), and L. brevis DERA E78K mutant ( PDB code 4XBS; Z Based on the BH1352 structure , its active site is located inside of the -barrel
3 3pgz 3lgj ENZYME CONSTRUCT 2015 A Heron, J Clarke, R Moysey… - US Patent …, 2015 - ... In order to assess whether a suitable protein structure exists to use as a “template” to build aprotein model, a search is performed on the protein data bank (PDB) database. ... The sequencealignment and template structure are then used to produce a structural model of the ...
4 3sbx - Atypical LONELY GUY protein in Bordetella pertussis synthetizes a cytokinin-like compound negatively related to oxidative stress 2019 F Moramarco - 2019 - BP1253 and LOGs, while Cluster omega to realize amino acid sequence alignment with specific type-I and type-II LOGs. The structural analysis were performed through PDB Viewer, either to develop the modeling of BP1253 that to determinate the coordinates of ... Characteristic of this M. marinum protein with PDB ID 3SBX is that it was crystallized in complex with AMP
5 5i3e - Targeting Protein-Protein Interactions for Disruption of LSD1 (KDM1A) Complexes 2017 JL Schwabe - 2017 - (b) A predicted structural model generated used to determine sites of protein-protein interactions, which can be illustrated, for example, on available crystal structures in the CoREST samples were mapped onto an available LSD1/CoREST co-crystal structure ( PDB 2IW5) as a
6 3rd5 - Mechanistic Studies on the Light-Dependent NADPH: Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase and Animal Cryptochromes 2018 N Archipowa - 2018 - a C15-E-anti-configuration as shown in Figure 1.4A [8]. This is followed by formation. of several thermally activated intermediates comprising structural changes of the POR. Crystal structure of the NB-protein catalytic site ( PDB : 3AEK [32]). The
7 3q8n - MODELING AND DOCKING STUDIES OF 4-AMINOBUTYRATE AMINOTRANSFERASE FOR HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE. 2011 H Pareek, P Thakur, D Ray - International Journal of Pharma & Bio Sciences, 2011 - ... desired protein ie GABA-AT using a template sequence with PDB code 3Q8N. The constructed 3D models were checked for DOPE score and Ramachandran plot respectively with Modeller 9v8 and PROCHECK. Results are shown in Table 1. Model No. ...
8 2khp - NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY IN THE STUDY OF PROTEIN-LIGAND INTERACTIONS 2018 DL Morris - 2018 - Structures of target proteins were obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The PBD code for BrmGRX is 2KHP and hGRX1 is 1JHB.
9 3eoo - Computational Methods for Detecting Ligand Accessible Pathways 2012 L Pravda - 2012 - ... Regarding the development of computers and the rapid growth of data in worldwide databases such as the Protein Data Bank [1], there have been demands on partial substitution of chemical experiment by computational models. ...
10 4f82 - Crystal Structures and Reaction Mechanism of 1-Cys Peroxiredoxin from Vibrio vulnificus 2016 - 2016 - ... 2011) using a putative thioredoxin reductase from Burkholderia cenocepacia ( PDB code 4F82 ) as a search model. ... proteins. A. The dimeric unit of the VvPrx3 (C48D/C73S) structure at the reduced ... tuberculosis (green; PDB code 1XXU). ...