Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease

Cited Structures: list of articles citing SSGCID structures

We are actively tracking the number of publications by the scientific community which reference our structures, whether in the main text, figure captions or supplementary material. Selected articles are manually reviewed. Publications by SSGCID authors are excluded from the manually reviewed list. From our manual curation results, we estimate that the false positive rate might be as high as 50% for some structures.

This list was obtained from Google Scholar searches using an API provided by Christian Kreibich.

Cited structures

Manually reviewed citations

# PDB Additional SSGCID structures cited Link Title Year Citation Highlighted abstract
1 3cez -!etd.send_file?accession=wrig... Understanding the Molecular Dynamics of YPEL3 and FHIT Gene Expression 2010 KD KELLEY - 2010 - ... protein structure may also aid in understanding the molecular events involved in theinduction and maintenance of premature senescence. Identifying structural homologybetween a predicted model of YPEL3 and other known structures may ...
2 4o3v - Improved algorithms for quantifying the near symmetry of proteins: complete side chains analysis 2019 I Tuvi-Arad, G Alon- Journal of cheminformatics, 2019 - model of allostery (also referred to as the symmetry model) [5]. Synthesizing a symmetric structure requires less is a characteristic of many protein structures [7]. Searching the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB ) [8, 9] for
3 4k73 - Stratégies d'optimisation des bêta-lactamines pour le traitement des infections dues aux mycobactéries multirésistantes 2014 V Dubée - 2014 - ... 20 Tableau 3. Structures de L,D-transpeptidases inscrites dans la Protein Data Bank. ... Figure 1.Structure des classes les plus fréquemment utilisées de β-lactamines. ... accepteur. La pénicillineest un analogue structural de cette extrémité D-Ala–D-Ala, et pourrait donc former un ...
4 4qtp - Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis 감염 초기 개체 검출을 위한항원 탐색 및 특성 분석 2015 박홍태, 박현의, 신민경, 조용일, 유한상 - Korean J Vet Res, 2015 - ... MAP의 MAP0380 유전자가 coding하고 있는 anti-sigma factor antagonist protein(PDB ID: 4qtp,TM-score ... 1. Three-dimensional structure prediction using I-TASSER server. ... 백질은 MAP1204의p60 domain으로 나타났는데(PDB ID: 3i86, TM-score: 0.547), sequence identity가 100 ...
5 3i4e - Importance of the Clr2 protein in heterochromatin formation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 2017 D Steinhauf - 2017 - ... The exact function of Clr2 is unknown but the 3D crystal structure of Clr2 reveals four distinct domains; an N-terminal domain ... The second internal domain resembles a bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domain, and 3D- structures show the domain interacting with Clr1 through a ... Finally, the Isocitrate Lyase (PDB entry: 3I4E) was used for the modeling of C2SM3.
6 4dz6 3gw8, 3gp5 Structural and functional studies on the reactivity of CORMs with plasma proteins 2016 MFA Santos - 2016 - ... 1.37 Structural representation of the vanadate(V)-RNase A adduct (PDB: 1RUV)52 ... Figure 2.7 Overall structure of HEWL bound to Ru fragments derived from ALF850 ... Figure2.8 Structural representation of RuHis15 adduct85 ...
7 3oib - Identification and characterization of cholesterol metabolism related genes and gene products from Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2015 M Yang - 2015 - ... Cholesterol has indispensible structural and regulatory roles in humans. ... N-terminis. C-terminus.Figure 2-1. Typical human homotetrameric ACAD structure. (a) Homotetrameric assembly of.human MCAD (PDB code: 1EGC) with four FAD molecules (yellow spheres) and four. ...
8 3oa1 - The rabies virus phosphoprotein: novel targets and functions involved in interferon antagonism 2016 M Wachowius - 2016 - After attachment to the extracellular target structure Structural data available for the dimerization domain ( PDB ID 3L32) and C- terminal domain ( PDB ID 3OA1 ) were visualized with Cn3D software by NCBI B) Overview over the RABV P trafficking signals
9 3o0h - Structural analysis of protein-small molecule interactions by a crystallographic and spectroscopic approach 2017 R Fagiewicz - 2017 - Uniprot and/or PDB database. In green is highlighted best identity of available biocrystallography reached the mature age and transformed into structural biology. doing extensive work in the structure determination by employing more and more advanced technologies
10 4qfh - Ligand docking and binding site analysis with pymol and autodock/vina 2015 MA Rauf, S Zubair, A Azhar - International Journal of Basic and …, 2015 - ... In recent years, the process of virtual screening technique for docking small molecules into aknown protein structure is a powerful tool for drug ... Enter the name of Protein or enzyme that willbe used for docking studies (For example, Glucose 6 Phosphate or its pdb id 4QFH). ...